Are You A Steem Shill?

in #community5 years ago

It's been an eventful 48 hours or so for the blockchain...Specifically on Twitter!

We saw a rejuvenated Steem community come forward thanks to some amazing promo work done by Steemians that had one goal and one only...

Remind Binance that Steem is a pretty useful token to add to their US based exchange!

But then we started to see responses on Twitter like this...


(Big shout out to @WhatsUp for the straight forward correction lol)


In crypto circles this is meant to be a derogatory statement for someone who 'believes' in a blockchain projects, which they benefit from...Or according to Wikipedia...



O.K. first off, Steem 'shills' DO have a vested interest in talking about and promoting this blockchain. And here's why...

We actually use this stuff!

We are a product of our products and for many of us, we have replaced traditional social media with the applications found on Steem.

The benefit to this, is of course, we receive Steem tokens from the rewards pool depending on how much value we add to the platform. Steem is unique in that way. We're not some concept token. We're no longer in beta. This is a cryptocurrency and blockchain that thousands use...Every day!

So can we be described as a bunch of shills?

Here's where the traditional term 'shill' in crypto came from...

Usually the 'shill' got involved in some ICO with a token that had an awesome marketing plan and sexy roadmap...

It promised huge returns, a blockchain that could end war on earth and a 20-something CEO that loved the selfies...

So the 'shill' spent a small fortune on these tokens that promised the world but then something strange happened...

The token never really did anything...

It sat there on the markets. Sure their social media team was out in full force describing all the developments that were taking place but...

No working product.

What was the shill to do?

The only thing they could...Get on social media and create excitement for their investment!

So anytime a crypto exchange or 'expert' asked questions about...'Which project are you the most excited about?'

The shills came out in full force!

"Our token is the best!" They would scream...

But still...No working product!

Fast forward to when a Steemian starts 'shilling' this token...

We have a working product!

There was never any ICO attached to Steem.

It's community based and we can interact with each other without the need fo a third party centralized application...This is how we connect!

So I guess, you could lump us all together....Call us Steem shills and know that your token will eventually be released to solve world hunger...

Or hell Steem...Let's OWN IT!

Damn right I'm 'shilling' Steem but I think it's closer to what @WhatsUp described above...

You call us Shills...We call ourselves community!


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And don’t forget the working and very active second layer tribes based on steem-engine.

Not some theoretical thing, but very active communities.

That's a great point. It has allowed like minded people to come together like never before on the blockchain

Right on point Jon, they must be jealous that our blockchain works and we can use it, so they start with name calling since they don't have anything else to come up with, stay awesome.

Everyone has an agenda...At least Steemians are up front about it LOL

That's a great response by @WhatsUp - don't attempt to deny the slur or lash out. Simply frame the slur as one person's label by pointing out a more positive label that "some" others use. Very cool. Asserts the positive. Does not sink to the other guy's level.

Screenshot 2020-01-26 at 9.51.40 PM.png

Agreed! Save the bragging about Steem on Steem itself ;) lol

There will always be nay-sayers. I'm grateful I found Steem, it has helped me grow creatively and meet new people.

Absolutely. That's the best part of Steem...It must be doing something right if we're all still here :)

I've been consistently and non-obviously promoting Steem for a while especially on Twitter, my last mainstream social platform.

Yeah Twitter is still near and dear to my heart lol

Term "shill" was used the most when people are doing pump and dump schemes, but it looks that the word got other meaning through time...

Anyways, we don't want to DUMP our STEEM... We want to go to Moon! :)

Nothing back facts!

I'm only on year 2 of my 5 year game plan here LOL

We want to go to Moon! :)

And then dump! 😏

hahahaha... The problem is... when we arrive, will we recognize the Moon? Maybe it's Mars? :)

Sounds like a tagline "Call me a shill ... thousands call it the Steem Community"

LOL Yeah, that's exactly it...Have to remind people, there is no ICO here lol

Proud to be shillin like a villain

LOL Truth! Me too!

O.K. first off, Steem 'shills' DO have a vested interest in talking about and promoting this blockchain. And here's why...

We actually use this stuff!

Haha right we do! and yes we do have an interest in shilling!

LOL Absolutely...And proudly shillin'!!! lol

I don't sing it from the mountain tops, but I do not hide it either.
Steem On!

It all helps for sure...We're products of our products :)

Hahaha, from one shill to another shill, Steem On my friend!

Right...!!!?? It's awesome isn't it lol

To be all things to all men my friend.
If shill is what it takes, then shill it is Lol

I'm a steem shill for sure. Now, I decided to reward all those who are promoting steem in twitter and other social media with autoupvotes from @dcooperation. I will add them all to the list. ☺ Let me know if you know some steemians who need support if they are promoting it. I will add from your community as well.

Appreciated man, thanks very much :)

I love it, the whole post, and I'd just like to say Steem Steem Steem Steem Steem Eggs & Steem :-)

And our community is great! It's growing every day and Steem is our fate!
Have a nice day!

It truly is the best on any blockchain. Nothing even comes close!

But then again, I'm a shill :)

Didn’t know it was derogatory

Feel like one of those songs coming on
“If loving you is wrong, I don’t ever want to be right”

Yeah it's used in a negative tone, but yeah...If I'm a shill, so be it LOL Like you said, I dont wanna be right LOLOL

so a shill was bad, but now may be good???
we cares?? an we steem on!!

LOL Exactly...If I'm a shill...So be it. I'll own it lol

Me too my man. Call me a shill if you want but as you say we are a "working product"

Exactly it...We use this stuff everyday, which is better than 99% of the projects out there.

I find the steem blockchain is very interesting. It has somewhat helped many people in many ways. The @gtpjfoodbank was able to not only give back to the Steem community with upvotes, liquidated steem was able to be traded off by real life donors for them to keep and can be used in future. @dses (my friend's account) helps the real life donors to "park" their steem to accumulate tiny dividends in return when helping other content creators.

If it is a good news for practical using, personally I believe, it is good to shill it.

Thanks for the mention @fusion.lover

Let's hope that we can get more real world donors to support the steem community

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Pedo lover take your crap spam elsewhere go to the pedo community where you belong