Because it is difficult to have a “chat like” discussion on chain sometimes. Also, discord allows radio style talk shows, so much of the conversation happens there.
There are many posts made on chain to have these discussions, unfortunately sometimes people don’t know they are happening or how to find them. Having one account where maybe a month or bi weekly “discussion” post is made might be a solution, I’m not sure if that would be helpful or not.
I do think it’s important to have the information on chain as well though. And look forward to a day when discord isn’t needed at all 🙂
If the chain can't be used to create that experience for its limitations, the solution can be the use of another technology to deliver that like the matrix protocol. If everyone wants and push for that they would do it. A great example of that is the next version of busy that already detected that problem and are building their next platform with that in mind as well.
I will leave here the link for you and others to check out @justineh:
So you can easily see that with the right priorities and will in mind it's possible to bring such great experience on the same platform and not split on different places. For now, I think you will not have a radio and talk shows, but you will have individual and group chats so that engagement can happen on the same service.
That could be a solution, have a tab for that with also notifications built-in so that each person can toggle the notifications and 'discussion' they want to follow. Would be like subscribe to newsletters on the e-mail. That way you are always up-to-date.
Yep, all great ideas.. but someone has to actually communicate and write these posts. 🙂