How 15 Months On Steemit Changed My Life

in #community7 years ago (edited)

This Steemit journey we have embarked on is so full of surprises that it shouldn't surprise me by now, but it does. I'm sure it means different things to different people, but to me, Steemit has fundamentally changed the way I live my life.


It feels weird to me even saying that. Thinking some geeky website could change my life was as far from my imagination a couple years ago as Mexico is to Mars, but after jumping into Steemit on August 31st, 2016 which led me into the world of crypto, this precise realization slowly crept up on me like a wave of enlightenment until I woke up unshackled from needing to stay in one place to support my work habit.

What started as an intense curiosity has weaved into a worldwide network of ongoing, online relationships that fosters creativity and connects us to each other. A thriving community of like-minded people with diverse skill sets who support and encourage each other across the planet, and it pays the bills.

What exactly is there not to like about that?

I admit it. I came for the rewards at first or at least the promise of rewards. I've made good money online before and knew it was possible and have always been attracted to sources of income that are not geographically dependent, but getting rewards for likes on my post, that sounds interesting. That sounds like a fun, new toy and I wanted to play with it.

Making my first post was simple enough and it made, as expected, zero rewards. So far so good. Let's try it again.

The second post went off without a hitch and once again, zero rewards. Easy to keep track of zero. Let's try again.

Third post and I'm happy to report I made zero. At least I'm consistent. Rack 'em up, let's do it again!

Fourth post, something. I can't remember how much exactly, but something, .17 cents or .24 cents or whatever it was.

Fifth post, $12.00! (or whatever it was) Nice. I've got nothing else to do, let's try this again.

Sixth post, $100! Wow! I wonder, is this real money? (NOTE to self, check to see if this is real money)

Seventh post, .58 cents. What did I do wrong? Nothing. So much for making money on Steemit.

This went on and on for a month until I learned to stop focusing on the money and focus on the community. Here's what I mean by that.

It's only natural when you first start Steemit to wonder about the money. So when I made enough SBD and Steem to buy a BitPay debit card, I did. It cost me $9.95 and I could pay in bitcoin online. Then I sold some SBD for bitcoin, loaded the card with the bitcoin, and spent it on groceries.

Now that I knew this worked I began focusing on the community because it's the community that rewards you for helping it thrive. It's the community that makes any of this crazy experiment we are all part of work. It works for me so I decided to work for it.

Being the obsessive person that I am, once I made the decision to work on Steemit for the benefit of the community I had to think of how to do that.

What could I give to this community? That was the question but it also had to fit into my propensity for fun. I didn't want to create a job for myself. It had to be something fun or forget it.

So I asked myself these questions.

  1. What could I do every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it?
  2. Who could I help on Steemit in a way that can translate/replicate itself across the world?
  3. How can I make it easy for people to participate?
  4. What would be fun to do and fun for the community?

The answer was Steemit Open Mic and I'm working on some new ideas. 1 year and 3 months into it and I love this community even more.

You may notice the focus of the last three questions is not about me, it's about the community. That's on purpose and here's why.

Yes, this is my blog but, so what? If it doesn't add to the community in some meaningful way it's pointless. Unless you're a whale with some Steem Power parked in your account or a celebrity blogger already, you're going to have to grow your account from nothing.


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To grow a Steemit account from scratch you need to grow or be part of a community on the platform. It takes work and dedication and no amount of complaining about it is going to change that. You need to roll up your sleeves for a while and get to work. The rewards down the line will be more than worth the effort, but there is some effort involved.

While you can and should engage with people through the comments sections of each other's blogs, the real action is on Discord. There, you can engage with people in a more direct way with instant chat and voice chat. There are communities there for every niche you can imagine and you can easily start your own.

What's the big deal about community you may ask? Communities that benefit from what you are doing will upvote your posts without you ever having to ask them to. They will follow you because they want to. If you don't have money to invest in Steem Power you can invest in helping the community and earn Steem Power.

When people benefit from a community you started they will continue to follow and upvote your posts and soon you'll have a community attracted to the communities, sharing the rewards of being part of the community and bringing their own ideas and creativity to the table.


Steemit Open Mic, for example, benefits musicians who share their music with the platform. I can show you hundreds of comments from musicians telling me this or you can see what they make for entering.

This sounds great but what can I do for the community?

If you're not a coder, writer, traveler, or lead a particularly interesting life that you feel is worthy of being indelibly and perpetually blogged about, it can be hard to decide what to blog about. This is where question number 1 comes in handy.

  1. What could I do every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it?

This to me is the most important question to answer because if you can't think of something you love to do and would never tire of then you're not going to follow through on it anyway. You may as well forget about it and resign to an eternal life of Facebook. At least on Facebook, you'll know what your post is worth.

I can't teach you creativity and online social skills but have 100% confidence in your ability to come up with something you love to do and would do it for free. (getting rewarded for it would just be a bonus)

Once you know what that is, go look at the tags on Steemit to see if those tags or something similar to it, exist already. Click on the tag and read the trending posts for that tag. Pay particular attention to the posts that are working, meaning they are earning good rewards, there is a high level of engagement in the comments of those posts, and they get a good number of views and comments.

I'm willing to bet all those posts have something in common. They may be about different topics, written in different styles, and come from entirely different worlds, but they will all have a thriving community behind it.

If a community already exists around a topic that answers question number 1, get involved with it. Enter running contests, talk to the people doing well in that area. Engage with the community and give, do not take.

If you're thinking to yourself, "This sounds like a lot of work." then you haven't really answered question number 1. Go back and answer that question now.

Once you get to know a few people, observe what the community needs that it does not have right now. Now, start asking yourself questions 2, 3, and 4.

  1. Who could I help on Steemit in a way that can translate/replicate itself across the world?
  2. How can I make it easy for people to participate?
  3. What would be fun to do and fun for the community?

This thought process will keep the focus where it belongs, on the community. The larger the group of people you can help on Steemit the larger your account will grow as long as you don't stop posting. Question 2-4 helps shape answers to the former and question 1 the latter.

I mentioned earlier that Steemit has changed my life. Focusing on the community and getting rewarded for it is life changing to me in so many ways I don't know where to begin. Yes, there is an income source I didn't have before, but it's more than that.

There is a feeling of connection with people all around the world that was most apparent at Steemfest 2 where, for many of us, we were meeting people for the first time yet felt like we already knew them.

There is a sense of community where all of us benefit from interacting with each other online, showing support for the causes we believe in.

There is the joy of understanding that as you engage with and benefit from interacting with the community they are also benefiting from interacting with you. This sense of a shared journey makes it a very exciting, multifaceted adventure.

Knowing I'm part of something, Open Mic, that makes people take some time out of their busy day to sing and play music and knowing that they may be rewarded or, in some cases, actually helping them put food on their tables by singing. That's priceless. And it's just a small part of what Steemit can do.

Perhaps the most valuable thing about Steemit is it has afforded me a fresh perspective on the future and what is possible when a community comes together.

Steemit has also introduced me to the world of cryptocurrencies which has been a boon to my net worth, enough so that money is not such a pressing concern. If it wasn't for Steemit I would not have known about crypto and I owe it a great deal for the introduction.

Steemit opened my eyes to a revolution in finance happening worldwide in the form of cryptocurrencies and gave me the confidence to start investing on some of them, Dash, Steem, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Pivx, Ripple, and a few others have been very good to me and Steem was the gateway crypto for me.

The conclusion of the Steemit Blue Paper reads:

The unique rewards and incentive program offered by the Steem blockchain and token are designed
to make Steem the ultimate on-ramp into cryptocurrency for mainstream users. The
performance of the blockchain is designed with widespread mass adoption of the currency and
platform in mind. When combined with the lightning fast processing times and fee-less transactions,
Steem is positioned to become one of the leading blockchain technologies used by people
around the world. credit

Is Steemit the ultimate on-ramp into cryptocurrency for mainstream users?

To their credit, at least in my case, their mission is accomplished. This week was my second Crypto Christmas and it was joyous and profitable with a few extra gifts under the Christmas tree. Thanks, Steemit!


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Wonderful! And you're really helping a lot of new steemians with their first 15-months! Keep it up

It's a joy to hear people singing and playing around the world.

the next coming 15 moths will bring more change

Great post @luzcypher! I love your focus on community. I'm just a week into my own Steemit journey, but I already really like it here. I'm trying really hard to make good content and spending time interacting with the community. :) Heres to your continued success!

Welcome to Steemit.

Thanks so much!

@luzcypher What a great first post to read. My girlfriend @kaciwegleitner has positively influenced me to become part of the Steemit community and your post is exactly how I have also found to be the best approach to living life. I'm excited to participate in your project to build a sustainable community - both in the online world and ultimately in the real world.

This place is amazing. The community, the support, the talent on Steemit is incredible. You're going to love it here.

You have a great philosophy. Ask not what Steemit can do for you but what you can do for Steemit. Those on the trending page, by and large are those that give to the community. It is called the reward pool and not the payment pool, So contributing in a way that rewarding for yourself is a great way to start.

Very good advice.

You are in inspiration @luzcypher ! I am surely gonna take away a lot of learnings from this post ✨
The open mic has helped me so many times and since leaving traditional social media I will have more time to participate :)
As far as community goes, I am planning to bring more musicians from India onto the platform. My plan is already ready and will be putting it into action in January. Mission is bring more people on steemit and bulid the community which helps each other!

That sounds great! Bring them on.

This journey is something I can learn a lot from. Rewards make us come here in Steemit, but usually it's indeed #1 which makes us stay.

#1 What could I do every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it?

#2,#3,#4 all got me thinking hard, and in a way introduced some challenge for me. I have yet to discover what I can contribute, but I'm definitely up for the challenge.

By the way, I haven't joined any of the open mic contests, but I can't wait to participate anytime soon. Expect my name to be part of the participants in the next contests. Haha! :)

Happy Crypto Christmas!

Looking forward to hearing you on Open Mic. It's a lot of fun.

It's good this post got you thinking. That's what I was hoping it would do. The more people this works for the better it gets. Merry Christmas and a Steemy New Year!

Yeah! I'll be keeping an eye. Although I noticed that most people who participate show their faces. I'm trying to overcome that shyness.

Cheers and Steemy New Year too!

I was drawn to Steemit precisely because of the focus on appreciating the value that others have to offer, along with the desire to add value of my own. I've been trying to explain the potential to my spouse, but am new to Steemit and the crypto world, and still have much to learn. Thank you for this beautiful & efficient summary!

Welcome to Steemit. People are really helpful here and you can learn all you need to learn about Steemit here and on YouTube.

While I will not stop looking for the catch in steemit (always look for the catch in anything) I feel like my prayers have been answered in finding this platform. I cannot remember if I ever stumbled upon an online-community that is so dedicated, altruistic and empathic.

For years I feel my online contributions have gone to waste. Huge labors of love, small viewership. Low-bar content seemed to work best for gathering a tribe online, which is something I did not want to do, no matter what.

And now... it's the end of 2017, and here we all are <3

good stuff. very encouraging. thanks for your support of our community

I really felt that sir, that steemit changed your life specially as I look at your open mic community. I think this is the biggest contest ever in #steemit that gives food to the needy (I'm one of those). I got 60$ in my open mic week 57 entry post and 64$ in my week 58. If its not because of this community I would not earn that amount I think.

Even I until now I earn cents to most of my post except open mic entries, its quit fine for me as long as I stay connected with this platform. If I don hit the whales for now its ok I will stay connected until jackpots found me. But what I really felt and made me stay active here is the people around this digital world. Also only steemit brings me to the crypto world.

I was in the other blogging site which we are obliged to submit a quality and a long blogs where I earn 0.9$ maximum per day. And steemit is the reason why I left from that site, they are actually a good payer site but if compare to this world #steemit they are 50 years away. The interconnection of the people here are so beautiful. It seems that you knew them already even though you are in a thousand miles away from each other.

So no wonder steemit will spread all over the globe in no time.

Thanks for sharing your music with us and being part of Open Mic. Steem is good and the people in it very supportive.

beautiful, u got new fan here

Really, 6-seconds after I posted this I got a new fan? Just what I need, a bot for a fan.

Very motivational article, thank you taking the time and energy to create these great content ,, thumbs up on your journey

awesome,, this is a real inspiration for me.
I wish I could follow your steps even in 3 years not only 15 months lool
happy for you

I can feel you in your composition. I simply love to peruse more from you.

Thanks for the compliment and reading the post.

good post friend

wow Excellent story.Nice post........ Well done.


I would thank you for the resteem if you had actually resteemed the post. Why would you say you resteemed it and not? Don't you realize you're on a blockchain and anyone can check?

You need to work on your Proof-Of-Brain.

Great post from a great guy! I did my milestone post and like you, steemit has also changed my life for the better.

Congrats! I added a comment to your blog about it.

Tks and compliments

Excellent post. Once the focus is on the community the rewards start to happen. Thanks for sharing!

Great post @luzcypher. Found it from the 'trending' list. For a while now I've been thinking hard about entering the blogging space and your bullet points resonate with so many other successful and well known bloggers. If you get a kick out of it and would do it for free then it will be rewarded one way or the other be that sooner or later.

Nice seeing you delving into crypto currency realm and that it brought some nice Christmas presents to you :)

Following you and definitely suggesting others to do the same.
Wishing you a Happy New Year ;)

A Happy New Year to you too. Thanks

i am happy for you , wish that steemit change my life too

Hi! Sorry to put this here - but it won't give me access to any of the comments on the Open Mic 65 post, and now it shows in my comments I've posted 4 times, but didn't show when I was posting it, so I had kept trying. Really don't want to get flagged! Sorry to bug :)

That's strange. I don't know what to say about that. You can delete duplicate comments though. Thanks for letting me know and don't worry, I've never flagged anyone my whole life.

Super weird. Thought it was just a bug but would self-correct, but I still can't access. So strange.

I just worry other people will! lol

Awesome - I been following along (lurking) - the new year will be OFF THE HOOK - my xrp/bts/steemit are all rocking - I can almost quit my shitty $13/hr job and plug in some nodes for all these networks and platforms...

Keep up the awesome work !!!

Plug in some nodes. That sounds like fun.

Can you build a website connected to the Steem blockchain?

yes, as soon as I ditch this shitty min wage job and have time to plug in my server and get some real shit done !!!

your post is very useful and has changed my perspective, because so far I do not care for the community, but only thinking about how to get money. but the view has changed, after I read your post from first to last, I also want to build relationships with the whole the world community, and also want to change my future. i will do question 1. and when it succeed, i will do 2,3,4. thanks @luzchypher because your post very bermamfaat.saya owe with anda.saya also follow open mic .and it was so much fun.

The communities on Steemit are the best part about it.

yeah its amazing 😉 what you’ve done ✅ with open mic 🎤

We're doing it together. Glad you're part of it.

Haven't even spend up to a month and have felt the impact of steemit in my life.. long leave steemit

Hey! You've been featured by @Vocalists-Trail's End of 2017 shout-out post! Just thought I'd let ya know ;)

brillant post keep up the good work.

Thank for sharing your efforts on steemit. this will encourage me. i am also new to steemit and try to make good content.

all friends follow me and upvote me i do also

I have only been on steemit for about a week and this post is an example of the positive & encouraging community minded rhetoric that other social media does not provide. It is so refreshing to hear positive happy encouraging dialog rather than all the hate and bashing over on twitter/facebook.

It is a refreshing change. There is some heated, intense exchanges here to but not as much and I stay away from such talk.

. .. this your new life matey ;)

operating, generating, steemit! :)

i have to agree about the community element. every since i started doing the collaborative video stuff the people who i gel with comment on my stuff and take part and that's everything to me.

Excelente post @luzcypher, lo mas importante es enfocarnos en ayudar a los de mas, con ese objetivo las recompensas llegaran tarde o temprano

Are you coming to the meetup on friday?

ohoh 😐😐 unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to go to meetup

Wow, brother! What an extremely well-written account of your personal journey along with several rather valuable tokens of sage advice! You sure know how to rock it @luzcypher!

Thanks @passion-ground. I'm sure having fun with the whole thing. Can't wait to see what happens next.

This platform in its own way reminds me of the early ideals of youtube.

The possibilities feel endless and the community is there focal point for every exchange. Immediately after being introduced ( or i should say researching it myself) I knew this would be a place of positive nature and a platform of the future.

I cannot wait to work on the quality of my content and music and meet people I can interact with along the journey.

Thank you for sharing a piece of yours.

It's been a fun ride so far and just getting started. Loved your last entry. Great music.

I can totally relate on some aspects u described!
it s been a great year, but 2018 will be greater!
cheers @luzcypher

good to hear you're doing well in this community and in live both, awesome

Open mic has been a great experience man! Congrats on 15 months. I remember the days of zero cent payouts, I also remember the joy of the .20 cent payouts haha. The community will always drive in the fun nature of this platform. I will have to take another week off of open mic (or so I think) because I will be in Cartagena Colombia for the New Year. Look forward to getting back into the flow on my return. Have a great New Year man. Keep the party going in the Yucatan!

Awesome I wish I was there with you.

We joined about the same time and it's been an amazing journey. I haven't been able to commit to running a project like Open Mic, but I'm happy to be one of the community. I've made so many friends here and it was great to meet you and others at Steemfest. Next year should be even better.

It was a pleasure getting to know you too. Next Steemfest we'll meet again.

Thank you so much for this detailed post!! Seriously...I mean it! I did the same as you starting out, posting, with zero reactions, and was trying to figure it all out. Of course!!! You need to be a part of a community to have followers. I began reading other trending posts that interested me and then commenting. Your advice solidified the clear-as-mud thoughts that were swimming around in my head! So again, thank you! I'm confident that this can be a life changer (like you, I dont use that term lightly; ie/ this peanut butter sandwich is life changing😄) Being in Mexico and working like this, hardly seems like work at all!

It's really hard work having to listen to all this music and respond to all these comments. That's why doing it on the beach with a drink in your hand makes it more tolerable. LOL!!!

Bingo! My thoughts exactly😄

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Cool post! I'm glad you're still Steeming.