Thanks, I have joined the community.
It's still too too hot??! my step son made me make a fire yesterday. Not hot here anymore.
I have been thinking about doing a bee related community, now I don't have to.
Ill post my next bee stuff from your new community.
You don't have any community specific tokens do you?
I was trying to figure out something to do with custom tokens. Like sponsor a bee hive or sell queen bees for them but it needs more than 3 people to make it work.
Time to start advertising to all the beekeeping clubs.
I'm waiting for the temps to drop below 40F otherwise the ticks in the forest will find me.. oh nice, it is getting around that time of year for good campfires.
I'd have to buy a bunch of HE tokens (Bee) to be able to make one. So I'll probably just stick to a community.
That's a good idea, maybe something worth building.