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RE: Promises ! Promises !

in #community2 months ago

Man that's cold record!


That's shit about the cortisone and rest of that jazz. I often feel like I am falling apart myself these days. I think it is only my devilish good looks holding me together!


You'll live to see 1,000 easy.

1000 months living challenge.

I believe you get a t-shirt and everything

You're not considering wearing clothes again are you?

No clothes are for fools and horses. Skin is in

Either you got skin in the game or that's someone else's skin you're holding. Oh, hey, I see what happened now. Unless you're paying close attention, skin you're holding sounds a lot like cold recording. That's probably where autocorrect heard that.

I'm hodlin skin baby! At least till I wear it. Then I'm the game in the skin.

Cold record.

I see ya'll were having fun over here while I was working !