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RE: Happy New Year?

in #community2 months ago

My Christmas traditions have changed so much that I have a hard time getting excited too.
The aunt who hosted our Christmas Eve gathering for my entire life died, and that tradition of gathering with the cousins fell by the wayside.

I have always had a cookie baking day at my house and all of my grandkids and nieces and nephews would come and we would bake and decorate sugar cookies. They have all grown up and no longer have time to be bothered with baking cookies anymore.
We did sing a few Christmas carols together as a family before we opened our gifts to each other and I was happy to see that they welcomed that tradition, but things have changed and it's hard for me to find the Christmas excitement that I used to have, too.

I hope 2025 is fun for you and filled with peace and prosperity.


You know, I don't want to be sad about it all, because I KNOW it is necessary and has happened over and over through the generations, but I still caught myself mourning a bit here and there over the loss of what was. I simple couldn't help it. Fortunately it was just small moments here and there. I was pretending to REFUSE to let it get me down. There were still good parts and I enjoyed those while they were happening, but somehow, it just wasn't enough.

I know supposedly, making new traditions is what is supposed to happen. I get that. I think though it will be easier a bit for my siblings who managed to have not only children of their own, but grandchildren now as well and fortunately, a lot of them are still close around here. I'm sure it has been a true task to meet all of our previous traditions, while beginning to make traditions of their own as their children like "coming home" to their houses as well. It might be a breath of fresh air for them to let something go. I am not whining when I say this, but I don't have children, so no one to make the same traditions as well. I know that means I will just need to be more creative on what I think up for myself.

Now I have a whole year to think up something, right?

P.S..... I do the whole cookie thing by myself. I've done it for years to keep the tradition of having them every Christmas alive and everyone loves it. I enjoy doing it, but it would still be fun if someone else was here to enjoy it with me. I have done it a random time or three with some of the nieces and nephews and then GREAT nieces and nephews along the years, but believe me, you don't want to eat any of those without making sure you've had your cootie shot. LOL !!!!! Those do NOT go on the Christmas table.