I wish there were a function like on Facebook where you can share your status with your friends or followers.
Or maybe a short tweet.
I would find it useful when we try to communicate with our followers. When we want to enter more into a dialogue then sharing a complete Post.
It's not there right now, but like I mention in previous posts; Go and find a solution.
In this case, I will try to communicate just through a Post.
Don't expect something special or something like that.
I just want to know your opinion about certain things.
And I will start right now:
1.) I would like to know how you use this platform the most? Do you consume the content here more on your mobile phone or only on your laptop or both?
2.) How about writing your Posts. Do make posts from your Phone?
3.) Do you use the esteem app, what do you think about it?
I would like to know how you use this site. I would appreciate reading your answer to this simple questions.
Thanks for reading.
1: Laptop wins over smartphone at lost for posting and reading, on vacation I use the mobile app
2:Only when not at my laptop
3:It is great on the fly for interaction
Thanks for your comment my friend :)
It's good to know how you use it.
I post from my laptop.
I don't have a phone.
I have never used esteem.
So I guess I am of no help! I try to keep my steemit time on steemit for the most part. This is where the Alexa ranking and the money is, so I have not branched out in the 4 months I've been here.
I also comment much more that I post. 90% commenting 10% posting. The posts I do make are mostly "how to" or into the challenges here so hopefully they will be seen!
Hey my friend,
Your comment was a good help :)
Thanks for writing it :)
You're welcome! I'm so glad you liked it :)
all information nice.
I agree with you that would be a nice feature to have. I use my desktop pc, simply because my laptop is used for travelling and find the the cell phone too small. I have never heard of that app, but will check it out! Thanks for putting this out there, its always nice to hear suggestions for improvement.
Ok, so you are definitely the person type :)
Thanks for letting me know :)
And also that I could show you something new.
gerne geschehen!
zu 1.) Ich schreibe am meisten vom Laptop aus, aber auch via esteem app übers Smartphone, wenn ich unterwegs bin. Also beides. Laptop:Phone = 80:20
zu 2.) ja, zum Teil. Siehe 1.
zu 3.) ja, zum Teil. Siehe 1. Ich finde die App super, vor allem auch zum Kommentieren, das ist echt einfach. Lange Beiträge sind natürlich mühsamer zu schreiben, am Laptop kann ich 10 Finger schreiben, Handy geht viel langsamer. Der große Schwachpunkt aktuell von der esteem App ist, dass sie sich öfters mal aufhängt. Oder der Post nicht abgesendet wird und Fehlermeldung kommt. Wenn das künftig stabiler läuft, wäre das perfekt.Hallo @modernpastor hier meine Antworten:
Echt wissenwert.
Ich muss sagen, zum Kommentieren finde ich die app auch super.Hey @sabine-reichert vielen Dank für deine Antworten :)
Also beim Lesen verhält sich dann bei dir auch 80:20?
ja beim Lesen auch 80:20 das könnte passen.
Super, vielen Dank :)
posts that attract friends, I use a smart phone to play it
How you define posts that attracts friends? :)
hey Ray :)
So i take my time and dont waste it ;) to read your amazing text, and im free to send some Answers...
Im using a mix of both APP and PC... i often use the App to read some stuff....
When i decide to write my ideas and stories so i take a place at my pc and start to type in ;)
the Esteem App is nice to get a fast view on what happens around the Blog or at the blog of others... I tried also to do my own textes from there but it looks like not really finished... to often it closed when i tried to upload a pic or it closed when you try to upload your story, so thats why im not use the APP to write... so its only a reading option for me...
Thanks for sharing your answers. :)
I understand. So fro reading you like to use more your smartphone but when it comes to writing you prefer also the desktop version right?
thats really right... its better to have a real KEYBOARD in front :D Also the Browser Version is more stable than the APP ;)
Great! :)
Thanks for telling me that.
I mostly consume from my Computer :)
I also write on the Desktop; never on the phone
I've never heard of esteem :)
Esteem is a mobile app of Steemit.
You can check it out. Maybe you will like it.
So you are making everything from your computer right? Reading and writing?
yep; currently using the 'Brave browser' on the desktop right now
Great :) Thanks for telling me.
i am using my laptop.
I do not use esteem, as it looks not really working to me, but it doesn´t matter because i´ve never used the phone for Steemit.
Sometimes I work and post on my ipad, especially if i want to add pictures, because all my pictures are on the ipad, and they look so much better there.
I like to post, but it eats a lot of time.
I wish you a wonderful week!
Thank you very much for sharing this with me :)
Interesting to know.
as I feel you enjoy having conversations on Steemit, I recommend this link:Hi @modernpastor,
It gets postet once a week, on sunday. It´s an open space for any kind of questions, and we keep voting up our comments for each other. Which makes sense in all posts, I would say. Just have a look, i´ll find it interesting in many ways.
Wooow this is great. I will definitely check it out.
Thanks for telling me this :)
1:Mostly use the laptop, sometimes the phone.
2:writing in a markup app between laptop and phone
3:I do not use the esteem app but now I want to check it out
@graftedlife Thanks for sharing. I see using the laptop is more used for this platform.
I do all my steeming from my laptop. I only use my phone for on the go type stuff. Anything that I really want to get into I use the laptop.
I understand. I think also using the laptop gives a better user experience.
Hey modernpastor, those are some very good questions.
I find reading from my laptop the most convenient. I start with creating a post and when I am finished and submitted my post I browse the posts to see what's new and interesting. After a while I switch to my phone to answer replies and more browsing and commenting.
I never posted from my phone, probably never will. I don't even understand how people do that. Everything I need is on my laptop and I find it more comfortable to prepare my posts sitting at my desk or on the couch.
I tried the esteem app but didn't like it. I don't see the benefits. Steemit works fine with the chrome browser on my phone and I have no trouble commenting, replying or doing whatever on Steemit without the use of an app.
I know there is a twitter like app coming for steem called zappl. I think it is in beta. Check out zappl.io or posts about zappl here on steemit.
Its really interesting to know.@xervantes Thanks for your detailed answer.
I find for commenting it's ok to use the phone, but like you said for creating Posts, i could never use it.
I heard already from zappl. I'm really excited about.
Do you know when it will go online?
I don't know when zappl is supposed to be released, I know that they just postponed the open beta. It's anyone's guess at the moment. I am hoping before the end of the year though.
Please do me a favor, my friend.
When it goes online please give me a note.
The next months will be very exhausting for me and it could be that I will miss it.
This would be really nice :)
No worries, I will keep an eye out and let you know when it goes live ;)
i read and post only from my computer...think id get a bit too distracted if I carried steem around in my pocket...and never used the esteem app - ill check it out
Thanks for your answer.
Laptop is the number one choice here :)
If you don't mind, checkout post I made on useful steemit apps 😉
Thanks for sharing.
I will check it out ;)
Zum Posten und Kommentieren benutze ich ausschließlich den Laptop, Posts ansehen tue ich mir öfters auch am Handy mal! :)
De Laptop steht ganz oben anscheinend :)
Ist bei mir aber auch so.
While I use the esteem app, it is mainly for checking in and perhaps commenting on another's post. I have not actually made a post from my phone or app. All my signature codes are in my laptop so that is what I use.
Plus when sitting at my laptop, I take my time and proofread, whereas on the phone I feel rushed to finish any post.
It's interesting question!
How about you @modernpastor ?
Thanks for your answers :)
I see many people don't know the esteem app.
But I prefer also more the laptop.
This is nice.
Thanks for showing me this.
I will check it out.