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RE: Mini Motivation #79 - Playing bad matchmaker

in #community7 years ago

Hahaha I'm glad you're still friends with Austin! I love seeing all of your faces in the photo! It sounds like such a fun time!!!

"because if there’s one thing I know that connect people better than any other form of substance abuse, is laughter. " <--- This is so true. I love the way you write.

I'm sure your stage talk was just as beautifully pieced together as your writing is! Congrats on being a badass lol.

Apparently one of the main things for dating is just to keep trying and to actually TRY to get rejected. The more you get rejected, the less it eventually effects you and the more confident you become.


The only way to get to the queen of hearts in a deck of cards, is to pick it off one by one. Well, until some crappy friends come shuffle the deck. Poor Austin, but I'm sure he will remember the night, and it makes good stories for the grand kids one day.