Hello Sistahs & Brothas!
First of all, my apologies for not having had the chance to interact with your deadposts last week mates. Events and issues of force majeure prevented me from doing it as I would have liked. But I hope to make up for my lack this week. :)
This time, for the Week's Eighth edition of this Great Initiative & Contest. I would like to share with all of you my first and only post with a ¿fictitious? story. (In fact, I think I'm not so good at writing fiction stories) but still I suspect you'll enjoy this one a lot.
It's indeed a very ancient post. Actually, the second post I wrote and shared here in steemit around Sep 2 2016. So, ¡Go figure how old! ¿eh? Haha. This post barely got 25 views, 10 upvotes, $0.00 cents and 9 comments in its entire life. Being 5 of those nine comments "mine" ¡Suck that tangerine mate! LoL
And even though it was written with enough humor, irony, sarcasm and suspense. I was not able to get the noticeable and palpable laughter I expected through the comments over there at that time. Therefore you will become my new Guinea pigs & Victims. Because this time, I'm mercilessly planning to kill a few of you with my bare hands & mischievous manners. Snatching you off your soul with a good deal of Smiles, Giggles, Chuckles, Guffaws and humorous comments this time.
Upvoted by me to raise our reward pool and also Resteemed to spread more awareness about the existence of this great contest recruiting new supporting eyes for the cause.PS. Btw my dear @whatamidoing: This post has been
Cheers!! }:)
This did give me a good laugh and the concept and plot twist were both intruiguing. :c)
Like others I initially thought that he was being hounded by the lady in his life. :cP
This has my vote.
Thank you @pathforger for your very welcome comment, upvote and support. :)
Yeah mate, I'm almost convinced that there is no other way to steal a good laughter through an intruiguing plot. Unless, that you weave & twist a story so wildly. Until the extreme to suddenly slam your audience against a beyond suspicion and gigantic wall of pure and abrupt surprise. :)
And I was expecting Jimmy to be hearing that voice in his head because he was learning telepathy! I thought his girlfriend was calling to him because she wanted him close to her. Then
He wakes us out of the story! GRRRRRRR!!!
Haha ¡Yes babe! just so equally telepathic like in the bricks & mortar life. ¿Eh? ;)
Hi, thank you for the vote in my 1st blog about myself. Nice topic you have there. keep it up and i wish you all the best! have a nice day! :D