Lately, it seems daily I read someone complaining about people trolling their posts. The complaints have several foundations, many times ones not acknowledged by the person being trolled. For some, the anger is over loss of reward. For others, it is based in fear because they are not as well versed in the subject they speak of with authority and this makes them feel exposed. This exposure placing them at the mercy of their troll as they double down on exposing their weakness instead of acknowledging it and learning from the hole that was exposed.
For those who care about the message they want to share, the troll is actually one of your strongest advocates. Sometimes, the troll actually agrees with the message and is pretending to be obtuse to make the counter argument appear weak.
But more often than not, many have been trained to throw mud, thinking some or all of it will stick. This troll type will often make the most outlandish statements, ones that create a context for your positions and proofs to shine against.

While the troll is known to throw nasty words at their target, if you understand how this helps you, it will take the sting out of the names and accusations. Often times, they will become agitated if you do not succumb to their desire to see you meltdown, and through their increased efforts call more attention to the message you are sharing as they expose others to what it is you share.
In the last week or so, I have had two such accusations made. Ones that I welcome, as any examination of what was said would show the ludicrousness of the charges.
My recommendation for anyone who is feeling off balance by the troll is to examine what the reasons are. If it is because you doubt your message, you need to examine why. If your message is false, the last thing you want to do is double down on it, getting defensive and becoming the troll yourself. Then you become the context for their message. If you don't know, say as much and end that engagement. If you feel strongly about your message, you will dig deeper and either have an answer the next time you push the message, or will find out you were wrong and have cause to thank the person who exposed the flaw.
There is no shame in personal growth, which often happens quickly and strongly when one is faced with adversity. So be thankful for your trolls and recognize the many gifts they bring. Personal growth and added context for your message is priceless. Let the name calling and accusations slide off your back. Reasonable people can weigh for themselves what they are witnessing, and understand fact as opposed to mudslinging. Unreasonable people will be unreasonable, and sinking to their level will never bring the results you sought when initiating your message.
Thank you to all the trolls who aid in getting messages spread to others of reason. In the last couple of years, we have seen an increase in trolling from both sides of the narratives pushed by the side being challenged. For those who see past the created political arguments, having trolls will be a given. Having trolls will be the blessing you need to show the strength of your message, if it is a strong message.
I've said some crazy things here. Things that most people would be afraid to say because of the backlash. I fully expected to get flagged pretty hard, but surprisingly that never happened.
If you don't react to trolls/flags like a crazy person the situation deescalates pretty fast and stops fishtailing. If you do the opposite, that's exactly the type of behavior they are looking for. The ultimate goal of a troll is to coerce others into rolling around in the mud-pit with them.
Also, the stakes are still very low. I've seen people flip out because they got flagged for a penny. The mind boggles.
Hah, indeed it does.
sorry to hear you are being trolled, but see it as a sign of success :-)
Well said as annoying as they maybe, it is even more dangerous to be in an echo chamber that only agrees with your ideas without pushing you to either solidify your beliefs or start to realize you may be on the wrong side.
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