I have suffered, I have hated, I have been so miserable I didn't want to live, yet I channeled that into dedication to a whole new life. A life by my ideals rather than a life of compromise. I haven't had a boss or paid taxes in 12 years. I have only been sick 1 day in 15 years. I have traveled to every continent besides Antarctica yet the Garden of Eden is my favorite place to be in the world because I get to live EXACTLY how I want to in my own paradise. Living free, in abundance, happy as can be. Of course happiness as well as paradise is relative to each individual. That is also why I founded The Garden of Eden free of religion or dogma. So that everyone can be who they are and believe in what they believe in without judgement. We live by the Golden rule and if someone wants to believe in Christ, Krishna or Buddha then they can be free to do so. There is no need to judge manipulate or war over names and dates. What matters is being free. Simultaneously if someone can build a better life based on their preferences than what I have done, then GO FOR IT. This is not nescesarrly paradise for all. What it is though is an unprecedented vortex of sustainability of lower carbon footprint than even people in the Amazon.
That I am very proud of and that helps the entire world regardless of if they recognize it or not~
Blessings on the way~*~
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We are all better because you are devoted to this vision! Thank you @quinneaker!!! Just knowing--just KNOWING--that a place like the Garden of Eden exists shifts the paradigm for many people, because we are the anomaly within the matrix.
If this is possible--if it is really really true that people are THRIVING without jobs and without paying taxes and without supporting the global military-industrial complex--then what else is possible?? The Garden of Eden's existence & proven TRUTH expands horizons and smashes limits, and we're all better because of it. Thank you for living FREEDOM!