Hello, folks!
This Saturday I decided to do some local exploration. Exploring your own town can be a challenge: Is there really something new to see?
First, this cat tried to stop my journey!
But the adventurous spirit is often rewarded, despite unfreindly cats and familiarity, with a new find!
How was your Saturday?
I am off to the "marmer's farket" (as we call it) to find some yummy produce, gather with friends, listen to some cool local music and bringing my pooch along to charm everyone he sees.
farmer's ? :))
Yeah, probably one of his/her kids calls it that way ^^
I made it onto jeopardy today
It's only nsfw if you fill in the blanks! ;-p
true that. i don't!........cough.
What does nsfw stand for?
not safe for work [ or kids :D ]
Ok, just looked it up. Should I label these with that acronym or simply not post them on your page?
Me gustan muchos estos post!
Well....i slept all day until now...so unless you want to see a pic of me with messy hair , still half asleep and a cup of coffee...no pic in this reply. Good idea tho :)
it was great chance for you to put a perfect photo of you and say " I WOKE UP LIKE THAT" :)) but ok, here's my messy hair:
Damn it...i miss my chance , next time! Good book btw . Fitting for steemit right now lol
hehe, thanks
Wow that cat looks hella-scary!
I'm supposed to be having a full-on writer day. I've written 2000 words and have got about 2000 more to go, but I'm flagging. Might go for a walk and chill out for a bit. Maybe play some Pokemon Go lol.
Ok, you must share: how do you do it man? I can't write on "command"...how do you sketch a story or any tips to help a fellow "writer"?
Hmmnn ... well ... I think routines help a lot. If you know you've got a certain amount of words to write the following day, then your subconscious (on a good day) tends to get to work in the background.
On a bad day, it's like pulling teeth, but you have to keep plugging away because you want it the muse to show up the next day.
Also, I think building up a garden of story ideas works. I'm doing a project at the minute where every morning I write down a new story idea and post it here. Once you've planted enough seeds there you're always able to dip back in there and start working on a new project.
Also, like anything, I think it's just practice and allowing yourself to suck lol. Once you accept that you're allowed to suck every now and again it becomes way easier to get the words down.
amazing idea man. reading that document humbled me....thanks a lot
Whoa, that looks like a mean and ravenous beast - say, how were you able to escape its razor claws?
I went to drink a coffee, and a small dog barked at me, so I barked back at it, so the human belonging to the dog got upset.
But the people in the café suggested I should have bitten it into the ear also.
Lolo. Once again...people and conformity :D
OH WELL! Bark all you want, man <3!!
I did escape but it was just luck, she got distracted by a bunch of pigeons or else...you might have seen a wholeee different kind of post :D
I drew a picture of trump out of pepper and crumbs
:)) creative and scary. looks like an angry blonde bull
Stalked this guy :d
lolo :))
that was a rare finding. I dont think I've seen the old Dacia model for quite a while now :)