What is Trumps Agenda on Iran? His Portfolio in Oil Stocks and his lust for War | ItsCryptex

in #community7 years ago

To Make it Short, Trump holds some stakes in oil major projects, including the Dakota Access Pipeline. (link for a green peace research from 2 years ago)


By trying to isolate Iran from the International Trading Rights, Oil prices would surge as Iranian Oil would become "Illegal" Again. Oil Ofc is the only agenda of this warlusted president.

But we are getting to the point where the international states and organizations just don't care anymore, the European States promised to hold up to the Iranian Trade Agreement, no matter Trumps decision.

America is losing more and more ground as an influencer, as a protector, its lost a lot of trust that it can't simply be rebuilt. If one President is capable to destroy all these long negotiated deals, that sometimes took decades to put together (Including the Paris Climate Deal) than who will ever trust the American government again.

Dear American Government,

You Should know by now, we don't need you to run the world. But sadly we are stuck with you, if your system collapses, many states will follow. All the countries are too entangled today, sharing the financial system. But we also share educational, social and economical programs. Our Youths grow up together, Your practices of going alone stand for practices that were common before WW2 and if it were not for the developed international relations of all the countries in 2018, your tasks today would have caused regional or global wars 50 years or more ago.

But the rest of the world is not with you. In fact we all know your actions are the choices of the minority, the old white man who doesn't want to lose power.

Your actions do not reflect the great spirit of your youth and population that has come all this way, until today.

  • ItsCryptex