Well it's much easier for me because I get fewer comments. At your levelof comments I'd say replying to 75% is just too much work.
And what happens when you're getting 10K comments a week?!
If you've got a wide audience - you just have to engage selectively - It's just basic maths - the college lecturer can't engage with every student after the main lecture and we don't expect Mo Farah to kiss every baby.
I think for the most part people understamd that.
More is better, but don't spread yourself too thin.
Lol I think if I get to 10k comments a week that means that I´m getting tons of rewards more and I can just hire someone to reply for ne? Lol just kidding, I actually like to read the comments, there is not one single comment I haven´t read, but sometimes people needs to feel like they are not speaking to a wall, they need you to reply personaly to feel like their time is worth something (pro tip: it is) and who are we to not engage? If I came this far here was because of my engagement level and I won´t let (or at least try) that essence to go away :D
You are actually right, perhaps keeping this idea but not so hard on myself, or just being more selective with the comments. For once I know I enjoy your comments and sometimes a small vote to it sends a positive message to the commenter right?
Oh I agree, reading comments/ engaging/ interaction, it's all crucial - I'm quite happy on here just having connected with a handful of people who I interact with somewhere between occasionally and frequently - but only about a dozen: I honestly don't think I could manage more than that, I just don't have the time ATM!
You have to know your limits otherwise commenting on everything will become a chore and you'll just burn yourself out. Besides, in a truly decentralised utopia, no one would need to maintain meaningful connections with more than a couple of dozen people anyway as everyone would be 'taking care' of everyone else...if you get my meaning (I think?)