Hi @tyrnannoght!
- you have 330 units and 0 bonus units
- your rshares balance is 4035754067383 or 1.454 $
- your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.485 $
Structure of your total SBI vote value:
- 97.18 % has come from your subscription level
- 2.52 % has come from your bonus units
- 0.30 % has come from upvoting rewards
- 0.00 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards
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5upvoting rewards you say ?
i can do that ! but the autovoter leaves only one account at once in the list at any time (half manual as i DO like to see who posts what) ... if it gets me more that's good ...
gud, i can do that, lets try that
thanks to the peeples who sent me THREE HUNDRED SHARES ... i would have said no if you asked because i have no e.t.a. but you sure as hell bought a hard-copy on pre-realease with bonus items and a concept art poster the size of a house with that (kinda hard for a browser game but we see what we can do ...)
that was nearly €25 still at that times, thats a hellamoney