I agree with all You have said. But I thi k we just need to have fun and enjoy the ride and stop caring with the value or quality... At least when it comes to talk about it. We just should keep creating. Believe me people will leave their opinions and tell you what they don't like. Lol it is the Internet in the end ehehe
Let's just put out there whatever we want. We are all different and we can make everyone happy ehehe
Posted using Partiko Android
Hehehe, I have been preaching about having fun for as long as I can remember :D , I feel it makes it more relatable and brings out the real you you know I mean? If it doesn't feel ok, leave it. Great Points ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
That's also true! @sergiomendes it's important to keep having fun, otherwise there's no point on doing anything.
Posted using Partiko Android
For sure. That way don't work in a creative area if you are not enjoying it.
Posted using Partiko Android