There is no statute of limitation on the truth - Trey Gowdy - And, the Q phenomena

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Jason Goodman interviews Field McConnell

  • There is no reason for China, Russia and the United States to put up with a British and Israel inspired world war III to protect the Clinton, Obama and Bush crime families. The enlisted forces of the world need leadership and they need it now and that includes the Russians, the US, the Brits, the Israeli and the Chinese. We don't need to put nineteen year old kids from those countries into a battle where they are all going to get destroyed in one way or another. They may get mentally destroyed through PTSD or they may get physically destroyed through death or dismemberment. They may be terrorized by what they see. The only organization, the only powers that benefits from war are the corporations and the banks and the banks have been defeated. Iceland is not putting up with the Rothchilds and Russia is not putting up with the Rothchilds, North Korea is not putting up with the Rothchilds and Syria is not. We need to all get rid of the corporations and the bankers that are trying to push the United States into leading the way into the EVERYBODY loses world war III. And, my Easter wish for people in all those nations in fact for every nation around the world; I think those of us calm thinkers who know what is going on can show our government - and you can rest assured Jason (Goodman) that David (Hawkins) and I will be communicating tomorrow with the White House and the White Hats. The United States military is getting sort of sick of paying the price of the transgressions of the corporations and the bankers and you (Jason Goodman) are running a film right now (seen in the youtube video during interview) of the Israelis attacking the USS Liberty on the 8th of June, 1967 and it is incredibly significant, if no one listens to another word I've said tonight they listen to this When the Israelis were scared off the USS Liberty after they had torpedoed it and after the USS Amberjak had also torpedoed it (there) was the appearance of a Russian ship over the horizon traveling at high speed coming to the USS Liberty to provide comfort and defense while at the same time Lyndon Baines Johnson had ordered attack aircraft including A4s and A1 Skyhawks to return to the USS America and the USS Seratoga. LBJ is the biggest traitor that I am aware of and he's dead but George H. W. Bush well come to think of it LBJ is junior varsity compared to George H.W. Bush he's even a worse traitor than my sister (Kristine Marsy who orchestrated the development and then infiltration of the US government and military by the Secret Executive Service 'SES' under the Jimmy Carter administration) and they need to be exposed and dealt with. I believe the current administration is capable and willing to do just that.

Watch the whole video here:

Other people look closely at what is happening and are trying to get information to the media via alternative media:

Most of my information comes from my dream state and when I become made aware of something that is of importance in the dream state I then locate as many sources of information on this topic as possible. Having lived outside the USA for nearly twenty years I returned in 2015. I began to use facebook in 2016 as a suporter of Jill Stein after watching the DNC disaster. I also looked at the demise of the US education system and what was being taught in schools which is not the same education program being used in Western Association of Schools and Colleges 'WASC' where Understanding by Design 'UbD' is the preferred model. I joined many facebook groups, some closed or private where there was a great deal of work much like the chan groups on banking scandals, pizzagate, wikileaks and missing people. I dropped crumbs in the 4chan and picked up crumbs from the 4chan but generally did not dwell. Sometimes I grabbed a meme.

Then on Halloween I had a dream which showed me how the Q was hacked and a hidden space algorithm was placed in the trip code so that it appeared as the same Q trip code but was not the same Q. From this point the posts might be the original Q or they might not be the original Q. Whatever the case the results included that a lot of people have been red-pilled. Also, a lot of people formed groups such as cbts_stream and these same board owners contacted Tracy Beanz who is an alternative media presenter with a youtube channel and I was invited to the cbts_stream subreddit. I shared information as I had done in the facebook groups before my computer was hacked by gif malware. I also learned the gif malware was made by the DoD memtics department and used by paid prisoners to infect the computers of activists. Not difficult if you can remote view. I can remote view. I can remote view algorithms, chemistry in a person's body, a general in the war room at the pentagon. I generally remote view for the Guardian, a member of the Greada council also called the Quadloid. I reverse remote view for the Quadloid as well which is to read the thoughts of the person seeking a remote viewer. In this way the Quadloid is not interfering with the free will of the people but is fulling the agreement of the Greada treaty where the Quadloids are recognized as the most telepathic of the hive beings along with the Blue Avians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and tall Greys (Orion robots who work for the Dracos). Dracos have very limited telepathic skills and use advanced technology to read reptilian energy - fear, pain, anger. The Cecilian or fish gods are amphibious, legless lizards who have been hybridized and these beings are used by the dark force energy for EVIL and mind control.

There are layers upon layers of deception. The deep state, military-pharmaceutical-industrial complex creates a system such as growing and protecting the growth of cannabis in countries such as Nepal, Turkey and Bulgaria. The raw product is moved to pharmaceutical laboratories and turned into 3000mg cannabis oil Dragon Balls which sell for $10,000.00 each. In the entertainment industry cartoons and toys are manufactured called also dragon balls and the videos, articles and brochures developed for the black market trade is hidden in plain site. When HRC did not get elected people in the pharmaceutical industry began to show up in the news with headlines including another suicide. The same with anonymous, the Tyler Project Mayhem 2012 is not the same Anonymous as was created by Derek Broes (Global Witness). We have learned to use the same methods, when the deep state, cabal, Illuminati creates an evil thing then we can use their method to create a good thing.

In plain sight we watched as the corrupt government promoted the use of illegal aliens to work in the HRC campaign for the US presidency which is a violation of immigration law. The then US president, BHO, knew that HRC was using illegal aliens in her campaign and the US immigration law says that people here legally awaiting their green cards cannot work or VOLUNTEER and if they do work or volunteer then they will be deported and will NOT be eligible for obtaining the right to permanent residency. Of the many crimes that were committed the use of paid people to sit in the seats of Bernie Sanders delegates was perhaps a minor infraction but what I saw was the area where the Sanders delegates were, like the rest of us, so conditioned that when their Bernie signs were taken from them and they were given 'I'm with her' signs they accepted these and passed them down the row to other Bernie delegates like five year old children in a kindergarten class.

At that point I was no longer a teacher or principal or school psychologist. I was no longer a remote viewer in the dream state so I could provide a nutritional consultation for a child with autism. I became a keyboard warrior. Over the years I have watched many youtube videos and I have written about the people whose work has been most inspiring and has been accurate according to the Guradian. These have included Delores Cannon, Ra Uru Hu. Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Jose Arguelles.

Right now there is a www war going on to divide people and the Q phenomena, the Anonymous movement and alternative media youtube channels are the battle grounds. In Janurary of 2018 I learned how to twitter. I do not expect to use social media much longer. It is my vision from the Guardian that I will have a refuge, a community where people mostly live off-grid in a pristine forest area where we have a natural water source and where we mostly grow our own food. There will be an internet cafe where people from the community can use this type of technology should they have the desire or need to do so but for me the goal is to develop communities which are devoted to peace, respect and communion. The Rainbow tribe.
I have watched and discerned who appears to be consistently trustworthy and even though some publications and youtube channels can give great information (sometimes) the deception which is interjected makes these publications potentially dangerous, IMO. From this point I will only share video links, urls and comments from people whom I believe try to be accurate and trustworthy 100% of the time give way for human error. These include, but are not exclusive to:

  • Field McConnell and Abel Danger
  • Deborah Taveres
  • Drumvelo Mechizedek
  • Barbara Hanclow
  • Jordan Maxwell
  • David Icke
  • Richie Allen
  • James Gilliland
  • Steve Quayle
  • David Wolfe
  • Delores Cannon
  • Jose Arguelles
  • Ra Uru Hu
  • Derek Broes
  • Dr. J. J. Hurtak
  • Quinn Michaels
  • Alfred Lambremont Webre
  • Kerry Cassidy
  • Mary Rodwell
  • Phil Sneider
  • Jim Marrs
  • Dannon Brinkley
  • Jordan Sather

This is not to say that the guests interviewed by these individuals are always telling the truth or are of the highest moral character. However, in bringing the truth to the people the hosts, presenters and journalists of the alternative media are trying to get as much information to the people as possible and wherever possible the details needed to connect the dots whereby we can discern the truth.

Follow the White Rabbit - Patent on evil

by Cumberland academy

Medicine Tribe
- - -
The people are awakening


I love that I feel the same way about most of the people you listed 🤣 Thank you for writing this