Dear Steemians,
Recently, I have realized that I am into too many things… SteemX, trading, blogging, shaving, and so on… Doing too much is not always good for your health, and sometimes breaks are needed to catch your breath.
So, today I decided to chill on my sofa… relax for a a few days and listen to some old good classical music!
My hands will do the rest… they have already been trained during piano lessons, learning music basics. Unfortunately the sound is still raw and dirty, due to the stiffness of my fingers, but I feel there are improvements :-)
This is my best move! I am still learning but I’ll eventually master this art!
My delicate touch!
Taking a nap while listening my hands playing piano, haha
Unlikely my last music teacher went crazy and run away… he did not appreciate too much the fact of staying alone only with my hands!
- Anyone free to give piano lessons?
- What is your hourly rate in SBD?
Musical greetings
Steemitri The Mannequin
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
P.S. Quello è il pianoforte di Lurch? :)Ciao @steemitri, le tue mani mi hanno fatto pensare a Mano della famiglia Adams. XD
Haha... è vero!!!
Lurch... LOL, ricordo la scena mentre suona il piano!!!
This comment has received a 9.99 % upvote from @webdeals thanks @taurus1983.
What should you be happy to be able to do multi tasking, hands here , head there, body somewhere else.... that gives rest as well 😉
Yeah... I can do a lot of things with or without hands, haha!
Top post! As usual =)
grazie mille... sto preparando due bei nuovi post ;-)Ciao @bronsedi!!!
Really confortable playing piano on sofa!
I can understand your teacher!🤣🤣🤣
I love to play piano like this, haha!!!
Ammettilo che in realtà sei Thing di " La famiglia Adams" hahah.
Haha... qui ci sono 2 mani a disposizione ;-)
Comodo lui come si rilassa mentre le mani si arrangiano a fare tutto, anche se immagino un sound un po' plasticoso... 😂
Il nostro caro Steemitri batte un po' troppo le mani sui tasti, haha!
Una ne fai e cento ne studi, sei proprio una macchietta, anche questo post è originalissimo, complimenti!!
Grazie carissimo!
Steemitri è fatto un po' così... ne combina di tutti i colori :-)
Ahah troppo forte! Tu si che sei multitasTing!
Haha... MultiTasting è fanTastico!
espero y descanses amigo, ademas seras mejor que la mano peluda jejejeje.
Gracias amigo... cada tanto hay que descansar ;-)
This is one of the best forms of division of labour. You don't have to worry about doing one thing at a time. The stiffness of your hands on the peg of your sofa is still producing sounds. Though it might not be the one you needed at that time.
Yeah... doing a lot of things together!
Ha-ha... I think any piano teacher would rap you on the knuckles and tell you to keep your hands "up".....: posture, posture, posture, my friend!
You're right, it seems you know how to play ;-)
grazie maestra!
Being a piano man myself, your unique way of playing caught my interest. Enjoyed your blog my friend.
Thanks for your comment, I was actually looking for a new piano teacher... would you be interested in becoming my new teacher?
Tengo un amigo maniquí pianista que da clases a domicilio, está indispuesto y por eso te envió sus manos en una caja. Total es un asunto entre manos así que el resto del cuerpo relajado. El cobra 2 SBD la hora pero para ti es gratis por ser mi amigo jejejejeje. Que divertido @steemitri saludos y un abrazo desde Venezuela!!!
Uh... muy bien!!! Este maestro seguramente me puede dar consejos interesantes, haha!!!
4 manos tocando piando, yeah!!!
Pare che i maschi non sappiano svolgere più di un'attività alla volta. Ciò significa che i manichini sono esseri superiori e che hanno più potenza femminile inside?
Grazie per il post, mi ha rallegrato una giornata pesante!
Haha... a dire la verità plasticoso inside, haha
Esseri superiori... yeah... di un altro pianeta... o da spedire su un altro pianeta, dipende come la vogliamo vedere!
Buona giornatona!!!
Ahahhahahh, sei davvero super!
Grazie! ;)
Ahahahahahah.... dai l'immagine tua sul divano che ti rilassi mentre le tue mani suonano è da oscar ahahahahah..
Ma come ti vengono :D
E l'Oscar per il miglior attore manichino va a...
ahahahah.... :D
Hahaha, this is so funny, I have to resteem it! :DDD
Good for you that you can do that :)
Thanks @erikah ... I'm a multitasking mannequin, haha!
Always brings a smile to my face.
Hi John!!!
Oh yeah... Nice to see you here ;-)
Big hug!
LOL having fun, ey? :D Rest your soul and mind, I'm patiently waiting for your next posts! Cheers! ;)
Yeah... Fun and relax ;-)
Next post will be super-great don't miss it ;-)
Hope it's in English, but don't mind me, I know Italian well.. Been learning it 7-8 years as a kid, so I can understand you but I forgot to talk :(
Anyway, Keep it up! I Love it!
Yes... will be in english ;-)
Tanti saluti
Steemitri The Mannequin If you wanna improve your italian you can follow @steempostitalia ... every day they chose the best posts in italian language ;-)
"Las mañanitas de Vicente Fernandez" y le voy a agregar tu nombre ... "Despierta Steemitri despierta, mira que ya amaneció. ya los pajaritos cantan, la luna ya se metió"... Espero te gustemerecido descanso mi amigo @steemitri yo estoy segura que después de ese descanso vendras recargado de bastantes ideas, no toco piano pero si canto... te voy a cantar una parte de una serenata de
Jaja... gracias por tu canto!!!
Estoy "trabajandos" a 2 post particulares ;-)
Un abrazo!
Seeing the first photo, I thought that maybe your father is the "Invisible man", Steemitri, my dear friend! :)
Haha... yeah, it looks like I'm invisible... but I was just sleeping, haha!
I envy you mannequins! You can listen to your own music while chilling on the sofa! 😃
Proprio a pezzi! ;-))))
Haha... Stanco a pezzi :-)
Es ist immer ein Genuss deine Bilder zu sehen. Wieviele Puppen hast du denn insgesamt ?
Haha... Danke vielmals :-)
Wieviele?!?! Nur eins... ein Steemitri... habe aber viele Perücken ;-)
Grüsse an euch!
How "handy" this should be to get your hands do the work while taking a nap !
As the Laziness Queen, I'm proud of you !!
Bravo my friend ^_^ you find all the lazy funny solutions,
I'm the laziness-manneKing, haha!
jajaja @steemitri y sus fabulosas ocurrencias, me ha encantado, eres muy creativo y eso me divierte y me hace reír muchísimo. saludos
Muchas gracias!!! Ciao ciao
Per ora mi sembri ancora un po' rigido...bisogna che ti eserciti per sciogliere le dita... :D
Haha, effettivamente un po' duro... ma vedrai cosa riuscirò a comporre ;-)
Non vedo l'ora di ascoltare la tua musica... ;-)
Molto carino! :) Bravo!
Grazie mille!
Alla prossima!!!
Descansa amigo la verdad te lo mereces recargas tus baterías a pesar que no usas debes regenerar tu plástica.
Gracias Tatty... hoy o mañana ya voy a salir con un nuevo post ;-)
Your awesomeness continues to grow!
Thanks @kus-knee :-)
Super!!! Hacemos algo juntos!!!
Gracias y saludos!
You have many qualityes, and You do a lot of work, You should rest from time to time. You are a multi tasquin human
Thanks ;-)
I'd give you a hand for your excellent song choice, looks like you have enough... this is good stuffs... thanks for the giggles!