Terence Mckenna Quote
"You know, one of the things Tim Leary said in the sixties that I always remembered but I never really heard anybody talk about, or ever really heard them quote. It was a great rallying cry. It was much better than, Turn on, Tune in, Drop out. And, it was this; it was, FIND THE OTHERS." - Terence Mckenna.
The Internet is a big place, it is also pretty lonely. Especially if you don't fit into the mainstream. But we are a diverse species. And somewhere out there, there's as group of people who are just like you. Or me.
I've been prowling the dark halls of steemit, searching for a group where I fit in. And I've found individuals whom I can relate to. But they are spread out between groups of social justice warriors, thought-policemen, and delicate snowflakes. Which makes it hard to have honest, thought-provoking discussions with them.
Therefore, I am creating my own group.
This is not your mother's group.
This group is not a safe space.
If you enjoy debate, this group is for you.
If you have controversial beliefs, this group is for you.
If you like to have fun, this group is for you.
I am calling out to all the black-sheep on steemit. To all the people who enjoy the dark and twisted aspects of life. I am calling out to the people with strong opinions. The people who refuse to be silenced by others who cannot accept alternative ways of thinking.
Join me on my Discord Channel by clicking on this link.
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