How we see the monster: PEDOPHILE

in #community8 years ago (edited)

My earliest memories of being sexually molested start at age 4. My babysitter's 17 year old son did to me what he said he wanted to a teenage girl who lived near us. He told me he would kill my mom and me if I ever told anyone. Looking back, I think he was too coward to do such a thing but to a 4 year old, that was frightening as my single mother was the only one who was regularly in my life. One night I had had enough and decided I couldn't take it anymore. So, the next day, I went out and found a new babysitter for myself. That was a definitely a better situation.
Over the years, sexual molestation and assault continued to happen until I was old enough and smart enough to quit being in such situations. Thank You, Lord.
So, I come at this situation as one who was a victim. As one who was raised around perverts, like many, or maybe most of us these days. I bring a perspective to you that you may not have considered. Are you willing to have your view widened a little bit to hopefully help make the world a better place?

Did you know about SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) victims being used for oral sex, sodomy, and intercourse as young as infants? Not only are they used in sexual activities but they are harmed intentionally in the process as a form of mind control and breaking them down? Some have lived their whole lives as a sexual object and in painful sexual rituals. They haven't ever experienced life without out sexual deviance, even back to their own conception.
There are those who have also been through this in maybe not ritualistic abuse but just being raised by pedophiles. These people who have been involved in this their whole lives may need a revelation of why it's not okay. I am serious. Have you ever been involved in something and not realized how wrong it was until something happened, or you had a revelation? I have for sure.
Because sexuality can be awakened and no matter what people say people aren't born sexually active (When's the last time you saw a baby jump on another baby ready for a sexual encounter, unless they were sexually abused?), it's wrong to introduce sex and sexual acts to children because they aren't old enough to understand the seriousness of it: soul ties, pregnancy, STDs, punctured colons, etc.
The lynch mobs have risen up against pedophiles. Calling for their deaths, wanting them out of their neighborhoods, country, etc. I understand how you feel. Recently The Lord laid on my heart specifically one day to pray for children in sexual victim situations. That night I had a dream that I was able to find a kidnapped victim and the pedophile got caught. When I asked The Lord what the dream was really about, He told me that my prayers were effective in exposing some situations and victims were found/predators were caught. Even if we made all of the sexual predators go to a deserted island, how would we find them all? Even if we killed them all, should we kill their victims, too, because those children could grow up to be pedophiles, also. I present another option to you: they can be healed, delivered, and become a non-threat to our children. Isn't it better that they get well, than we send them to someone else's neighborhood to abuse their children?? Why is someone else's kid less important than your kid???? Shouldn't we want all kids protected and shouldn't we also want all predators delivered from their demons?
Did you know that PORNOGRAPHY feeds PERVERSION? Did you know that the more you use sexually explicit entertainment, it causes stronger cravings for more sexual deviance? Do you know how many of those pedophiles hate what they do, hate themselves, and feel there is no hope for them to get well? I remember seeing a pedophile on TV beg the court not to let him go free because he knew he could not restrain himself from abusing children. Demons do this. When we feed them, they get so strong that it can be almost impossible to control them, and sometimes impossible for those who have sold their souls.
You see I hated what was done to me. I hated the pedophiles. But when I started serving The Lord, I realized that I had demons. Demons that I didn't feel I could control. One of the main ones was: RAGE. Did you know that it is common for a sexual abuse victim to have a spirit of RAGE? Well I had it and I tried so hard to control it but it was nearly impossible, even after I started serving The Lord, got the baptism of The Holy Spirit, and had been going through counseling and deliverance. I would get so enraged that I was out of control. I loved people deeply but this thing was so powerful and it used me to wound people's souls. I asked my pastor for counseling out of desperation even though I knew those people were big time gossipers. She said I couldn't have counseling, I just cried and cried because I would get so out of control. I would get so enraged that I would just yell at my husband to take control of me because I couldn't do it. I wanted help, I wanted freedom, I felt helpless!! Finally, I was able to get counseling from my church which helped me learn a lot about me and why I acted the way I did. I found the entry point of the spirit of RAGE and was able to get free and finish the battle process. (Also, you know the strange thing is that vitamins also helped. My body was also fighting itself because I was so nutrient deprived. Vitamins helped me heal physically as I was healing spiritually and all of that worked together to help me be more balanced.)
As I thought about my disgust for these perverts who had been in my life, I considered my own battles with demons, especially RAGE. I thought, what if these perverts had spirits of SEXUAL PERVERSION: PEDOPHILIA, RAPE, etc., and hated themselves for it. They didn't really want to do it. They desperately wanted freedom but there was no one to tell to help them get well (no support system) because if they told other pedophiles, the other pedophiles might be fearful of the repentant one turning them in and they might get an enemy out of that. If they told someone who wasn't a pedophile, they would probably get thrown into jail with no hope of someone coming to help them get set free. Not saying that people don't need to pay for their crime. Not saying that jail isn't the best place for them if someone will go and minister to them there, and help them get free. Just saying. What are their options, especially if their whole lives have been involved in deviant sexual activity? Let's consider this.

I do understand that some pedophiles are flat out sick and evil and don't want to get well. I do think there is no point in trying to help them with counseling and deliverance but praying if The Lord leads could break their resolve. So, like other situations, not everyone can be helped and we shouldn't waste our time on trying to help those ones. But would you consider praying for your neighborhood: Let me start by saying that I hold the opinion that sexuality can be awakened in people and shouldn't be awakened until the person and time are right, the virgin marriage bed. But with today's perversions spewed all over billboards, commercials, internet, songs, etc., it is harder for this generation to not be sexually active before they meet the right person and wait for the right time. FEAR has caused us to freak out at the word pedophile. I understand. We don't want little kids abused but did you know how many kids are being sexually molested by their own family members, and "friends" of the family? Working in churches for years, the big thing was don't let men work in the children's church because men can't control their sexual desires, and we can't have anyone accusing the men here of abusing the children. Did you know about men who were sexually abused by women?? And the amount of women who are pedophiles.Here's just a few of the ones who got caught: At least one woman that I have heard the testimony of was sexually abused by her grandmother in a ritual when she was a child in a Mormon church. You can check out her website here: Did you know how many boys are sexually molested by teenage girls?? You want to know why it's not made an issue? Because a lot of the boys brag about it and think that it makes them men. I have told 2 of them who told me this that they were molested but they don't get it. And one of the biggest areas is children molesting each other. I am telling you, do not let your children be molested by other children it will possibly awaken a hunger for sex that should not be there. It is not just kids playing house. It is not just kids experimenting and figuring things out. Those things should be saved for the right time and the right person. Sex is not a game for children.

  1. Please remove anyone from my (neighborhood, town, city, etc.) who You don't want here, Lord. Please help us to be protected and move into our area people who are going to be a blessing to us and us to them.
  2. Please help us to be aware and alert of any predators. Please heal the hearts of predators who live here, Lord. And set them free so that they will turn into Holy Spirit led protectors, leaders, and encouragers in our community.
    Anyway, this is challenging to me, too. I don't really want to be around predators but you know what, I already have been most of my life, and so have a lot of you, whether you knew it or not.
    It brings to mind a SRA victim whose parents would go to the Christian church in the morning on Sunday as a front to act like they were Christians and to the Satanic church afterward. The guy remembers the Christian pastor vigorously shaking his parents hands so thankful for them coming because he thought they were great people even though the dad had been sexually abusing him since he was in the crib and were members of a group who killed one of his friends in front of him and another through him getting septic because of being sodomized. Here's one of his interviews:

    The point is to pray, protect our kids, and help captives get set free! You can start by talking to The Lord about this but please, share these resources so that the pedophiles who want to change know where to go or how to get freedom. You don't have to search pedophiles out to minister to help them but you can share the resources through social media, your church, etc. And as far as your kids being with people while you aren't there, please ask The Lord to show you who is okay and who isn't. Even if it doesn't make sense, if you don't have peace, don't let them go.
    That reminds me of a mother who let her daughter go visit the mother's sister and new husband. She had a bad feeling as she took her daughter to the airport but thought she was being ridiculous. She let her go. While the aunt was at work, her husband raped the girl repeatedly through the day.
    You don't ever have to let your kids spend the night with their friends. Slumber parties aren't a necessity for growing up!! I am not trying to fear monger but look if you don't look out for your child, who will?????? And if you let a child spend the night, DON'T LET THEM SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS YOUR CHILD!! Unless The Lord tells you otherwise, that is just asking for it. It's better to have them sleep in an open area like palettes in the living room or on the living room couches, etc., definitely in their own space though. Children usually know that sexual activity is a No, No and won't usually do anything out in the open.
    Anyway, I hope this helps you. Let me pray for you:
    For the sexual abuse victim, I pray that you be delivered of every unholy soul tie. I ask You, Lord, to heal them down to the deepest parts of their being. I ask You to show them people that they can trust to help them start the healing process or continue the healing process. I ask You to invade their lives with Your Holy presence and goodness and set them free from unholy bondage!! Thank you, Lord, Jesus.
    For the concerned, caring parent, I pray that You give them wisdom concerning any threat to their children's safety and wellbeing. Lord, please show them who they can trust and show them how to handle those they can't trust. Please give your angels charge over their children to accompany, defend, and preserve them in all ways. Please hide and protect their children from predators and give their children favor with those who would nurture them in healthy ways and help them to be successful.
    For the pedophiles, right now, I ask You, Lord, to show them how to get freedom. Please, Lord, set them free!!! Please, Lord, protect the children in their lives and don't allow them access to children that are not safe around them. BE WELL IN JESUS NAME!
    Counseling doesn't mean that you are crazy. Good counseling can help you grow, improve, get healed from crappy situations, and become a better person. Please ask The Lord to show you a good counselor. Healing is a process, so, don't think one time will get it. I have went through rounds of it for 17 years or more. As I am ready for more healing, The Lord shows me where to go or who to talk to, or just tells me He's healing me, again. He's so good and He wants us free, whole, and healthy.

Soul Ties:

Arthur Burk has been working with SRA victims and Dissasociative Disorder. He is a spiritual pioneer and has a lot of revelational teachings that any growing Christian might be into.

Some of my earliest encounters with counseling and deliverance involved Restoring the Foundations.

Restoring Lives International was one of my most recent encounters with deliverance and healing:

A freedom from porn ministry:

SRA Victim:

Statistics of what waiting for marriage can do, and if you have already been sexually active, you can still stop and wait.Strong self-control is a blessing. Weak self-control can get us into entangled in all kinds of junk :

Article on men sexually abused by women:

Teacher Sex Offender List: 25 Female Teacher and Student Sex Crime Scandals
These are some of the ones who got caught:

Jay Parker, SRA victim:

There are other ministries and ministers out there, too, that I have trusted and have benefited from. Shine ON!! :D


Good article! People need to know this stuff & have the resources to get healing and freedom.

I'd like to include two more resources too:

Thank you so much! I appreciate that! ☺