
@valorforfreedom you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you @flagfixer, didn't even notice it : )

Oh, that's cool! We definitely love to find great videos on DTube and make as much noise as we can about how great they are. This post definitely resonated with us, and our community found it very worthwhile. We compile and publish a list of our favorite posts on a regular basis, and just stopped by to make sure you heard the good're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

You can view all of our picks from July 17 here: OneLoveDTube Picks

If you want to know more about how we support and encourage creators on the platform, please join us on the OneLoveDTube discord server and help share the love!

Captain Phil! Another great episode providing some helpful information for those of us who have wanted to take our knowledge of Dtube to the next level. The Steempress episode was also very informative, and I will listen to all of these episodes in the series. Yes, once DTube is able to scale it will be MUCH easier to get YouTubers to migrate. Even then, though, it will STILL be important to reach out YouTubers to let educate them on the benefits of Dtube and Steemit. I have followed @ToddMCK and look forwards to connecting with additional future interesting guests. Also, keep in mind that Dtube allows you to upload transcripts/captions to your videos (just like YouTube - in fact, you will be able to upload the SAME captions to BOTH platforms, and get DOUBLE the SEO boost). Just something to keep in mind going forward... Smell ya'later...

That is good information TJ, thanks for sharing. Should the good times happen again Transcripts will be ordered : )

Hi @valorforfreedom - thanks for inviting me on today! I enjoyed the chat, it was nice to finally collaborate on making a video together. Hopefully I did the topic justice. My wife did tell me I need to work on making one sentence answers actually one sentence :)

Just following up, it was "Delaware"... party on Phil!

Hahaha your wife is right on! I think that your answer was still good because it gave people a thorough answer. First, a technical thorough answer and then a short answer for us non-techies would be awesome! 👍

Man I see us both in that clip not being used to livestreaming LOL

@valorforfreedom @toddmck great show guys. Very informative and an awesome explanation of what IPFS is and what CEPH is.

Thank you Gerry :)
DTube is getting better and better.

You gentleman sure know your stuff! I watched every last drop of this. I will be honest.. I do not fully understand everything. But I do know more now than I knew before watching this. Inter Planetary File System! Who knew it! Waynes World! Great movie @toddMCK. Thanks for this guys! @valorforfreedom See you boys on Discord!

I am sure if you ask Todd he will give you an easy explanation of it. 👍

Hey nice discussion about the dtube and must say very useful video.@valorforfreedom. Whynot spare sometime to checkout my blog and show some support.

I highly value constructive criticism, suggestions and topic wishes, so if you have some then just write them into the comments, I would be very thankful for that and upvote that comment! 😇

Very helpful stuff, vff! Thanks!

Good information in your interview and it will will be very use full to Dlive followers thanks

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks Heimi.