Wow - an involved analysis right upto the Dunbar number for the number of sustainable social relationships!! I understand your pain on getting the home feed cluttered with resteemed posts. However, as a minnow who is trying to maximize reach, I am also wondering if it would not be great to have my posts resteemed. Thanks for the article.
I would not bother you with requests for following. If you feel inclined, I know you will take a look at my blogs and encourage. By the way, I have started writing my chains of thought articles for blogging the chain of though each wildlife picture inspired - instead of just posting pictures.
Cool. I'm following you already. I may not follow many people, but I do want to help people on the platform, especially minnows.
Wow - what an honor. A heartfelt thank you! Please leave comments on couple of articles I wrote - it will be a great encouragement as well as guidance for me. Thanks