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RE: Hive Challenge: Community Celebration

in #communitycelebration3 years ago (edited)

Community Name: Silver Bloggers
Community Description:
A community for retired and aspirant retiree bloggers, seasoned and wannabe crypto hodlers.
The Silver Bloggers’ community brings together young-at-heart kindred spirits and younger 'old souls'. The golden threads, in addition to a love of blogging and photography, are –
A keenness to learn more about blockchain and crypto – we’re not digital natives – most of us were born before the PC was imagined; we ask “stoopid” questions
A compulsion to share our life experiences for storage on the blockchain for our children and children’s children
Musings and memories of lives lived – the happy and the sad, the long and the short
Planning for life beyond formal work – from leisure and travel to second (or third…) careers, hobbies that can supplement pensions and just what keeps “un” working people busy
From time to time, we will run challenges. To suggest and/or run a challenge, please tag one of the administrators or moderators with your idea.
My role: Founder & Admin
Community link:


I hope you don't mind I edited this a bit to make it into one paragraph.

No problem @guiltyparties, thank you for this challenge!