Community name: Let's Make a Collage (LMAC)
Community description: The LMAC is a fun collage contest on Hive where everyone can participate and win attractive HIVE prizes. Each week, a photo is made available as a template for all participants to create their collages from. At the end of each round, a community vote will decide how the prize pool is distributed among a jury selection of finalists. As a resource for all Hivers, the LMAC also maintains its own public domain image library – the LMAC Image Library (LIL). Everyone on Hive is invited to contribute their photos, images or artworks to the LIL and will be rewarded for doing so.
My role: Founder and shared community lead with @agmoore, @mballesteros & @quantumg
Community links: 🎨 The LMAC | 🌎 Our Website | 💬 Our Discord
Lamento no haber podido concursar con un post, sin embargo, deseo dejar mi sentir en este comentario.
Una de las cosas que me hacen amar a la comunidad de Let's Make a Collage es el espíritu de buena voluntad con que se administra. El fomento que se hace del espíritu de comunidad y del aliento para el desarrollo de lo que podemos explorar a través de los recursos del arte (incluso si no somos artistas) está hermosamente bien entendido.
Puedo decirlo sin dudas: quien incursiona en esta comunidad a través de cualquiera de los caminos que pone a la disposición de Hive, sea el concurso semanal, sea la fantástica Biblioteca de Imágenes o los posts educativos, siempre gana. Y gana más que Hives. #LMAC es mi comunidad favorita en Hive y con ella tengo una deuda de agradecimiento, pues fuea través de los recursos aprendidos en la Escuela de LMAC pude finalmente colocarme en el camino de desarrollar un estilo en este arte.
Even if you thought you weren't an artist, LMAC might prove you wrong. We are an open community, a very patient and friendly audience, and a wonderful place to find challenges to improve our skills together.
LMAC is my favorite community in the Hive, while the Hive is my favorite social media.
My favorite community on Hive is Let's make a collage #LMAC
If you are just starting in Hive, this is the community you need, your efforts will always be rewarded, this will encourage you to grow and discover new challenges.
I did not arrive in time to make my post
LMAC is my favourite. one of the best communities with weekly contests. LMAC is also the best community to show the creativity inside you
love this community, it's my favorite!!!
The most creative of communities, proud to belong to this team! ❤️
There is an open invitation to artists, photographers, and anyone who likes to create. We are a welcoming, fun community.
I am just starting on Hive, and this has been the community that has given me the most support to keep going.
I am grateful, I can say it is my favorite community.