I'm glad the question is worded that way and not “What would they think of me?" I can only imagine. That's cringeworthy.
I started and restarted my reply, several times. This is not an easy question to answer. It's not like I can go online and find something inspiring or clever to fill in the blank.
I feel like I am writing my own epitaph!! lol
One thing I don't want to be remembered for though is being "good" or doing good deeds etc.
I would want to be remembered for being human.
For believing my years were decided by God, not my genes, not my will.
For foolishly depending on God for mercy, grace and strength through the good and bad times.
For continuing to depend on Him despite my sinfulness, contradictions, weaknesses and doubt.
For foolishly believing that this time and place is not my home.
And lastly, for the one thing I have not been afraid of, death.
to gain what he cannot lose.
~Jim Elliot
What I hear is a soul committed to obedience knowing full well that in Him we live and move and have our being. :)
That's my scripture...yes. It's no longer "I" but "He".