Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.
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The constant evolution of technology and globalization makes it increasingly necessary for people within organizations to observe and feel the need to empower themselves to be able to face new challenges. Nowadays, few companies are dedicated to renewing and updating the knowledge of their workers because they see it as an unnecessary expense, waste of time and money, without considering the immense benefits that learning and growing as a professional within the organization would bring.
The worker, has the need to renew knowledge and experiences in the workplace, because the world is constantly changing and what is new for today will not be new for tomorrow. They must prepare themselves, without any doubt, to break schemes that may prevent continuous growth and overcome barriers that accredit them as professionals capable of performing functions that promote organizational welfare, based on the knowledge of individuals.
Martínez (2010) states that "the most important resource that an organization possesses to maintain and achieve a competitive advantage". It should be remembered that each employee is an important part of the different facets of the organization and their functions depend to a large extent on the organization remaining in the market.
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The constant changes in the organizational environments, bring significant transformations in them, because they face a changing world with great challenges that must be faced to generate success and achieve the goals and objectives set, undoubtedly using strategies to improve performance and job performance..
It should be noted that in this aspect, organizational learning is the way in which companies build, provide and organize knowledge, routines around their activities and within their cultures; they develop an organizational efficiency that allows the proper use of the broad skills of their employees.
In this order of ideas, performance within organizations is undoubtedly an important part of the needs and requirements that organizations must constantly face to be at the forefront of the competitive world, reflecting as an essential element that allows detecting the failures or weaknesses that it presents, which is why performance can be defined as the fulfillment of job functions, such as the effectiveness of personnel working within organizations, which is necessary to achieve their objectives.
In effect, successful institutions are those that pay more attention to the performance of their workers; however, in order to achieve this performance, it is necessary that they carry out a previous evaluation that allows them to measure the capacities and skills of their employees, to detect the persistent need in this context.
We can say then that when companies train their workers they have personnel prepared to fulfill specific functions that contribute to the fulfillment of organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, organizational learning emerges as a necessary tactic to improve work performance, taking into consideration how imperative it is for the evolution of the organization.
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