Meme dump #6: Political Needling
The political compass was created by a left-libertarian and promoted by many right-libertarians in order to get their ideologies taken seriously as distinct from more authoritarian approaches. Nowadays, it's mostly used to mock extremists from all four corners, as well as centrists.
Authoritarian Left: Everything is revisionist propaganda except actual revisionist propaganda, which is fine.Authoritarian Right: Everything is genocide except actual genocide, which is fine.
Libertarian Left: Everything is theft except actual theft, which is fine.
Libertarian Right: Everything is slavery except actual slavery, which is fine.
How the extremists view the others:
Authoritarian Left: caricature of a capitalist.Authoritarian Right: sex toys in the shape of a hammer and sickle on the LGBT flag.
Libertarian Left: fascist flag.
Libertarian Right: Soviet flag.
Authoritarian Left pointing to Libertarian Left: Fucking LIBERALS!!! Defending the Freeze Peach of Racists and Fascists!Libertarian Left pointing to Libertarian Right: Fucking LIBERALS! Giving tax cuts to the Rich and letting corporations screw over the 99%
Libertarian Right pointing to Authoritarian Right: Fucking LIBERALS telling me what I can do with my money, Democrats were the KKK, Nazis are SOCIALIST!!!
Authoritarian Right pointing to Authoritarian Left : Fucking LIBERALS!!! Parading WHITE GUILT AND GENOCIDE and forcing people to be equal!!!
Student dorm windows as a political compass:
Soviet flag, Confederate flag, LGBT flag, Gadsden rattlesnake flag![](
Dungeons & Dragons alignment chart overlaid on the political compass:
Did you think Alex Jones would be limited to the bottom right? Here's the Infowars compass:
Alex Jones top left: Ban this free speech right now. BAN IT! Alex Jones top right: Listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. Alex Jones bottom left: If you ever catch me wearing swastika shoes, that's when you need to shoot me. Alex Jones bottom right: 1776 will commence again!![](
The traditional seven sins overlayed on the political compass graph (maybe gluttony and sloth should be switched?):
Sloth in the center, then clockwise from top left: Envy, Pride, Wrath, Greed, Lust, Gluttony.![](
What the acronym MLM means for the four quadrants:
Clockwise: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; Mark, Luke, Matthew; Multi Level Marketing; Men Loving Men![](
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