I am a homesteader in New England with a small farm where we raise most of our own food. The reason we do this is because we both have chronic invisible illnesses and for me, the high quality of the food we raise is my sole treatment for the Lyme disease.
I do a lot of work on improving the nutrient density and balancing the soil to benefit the plants and animals here. But it also serves to improve the carbon retention of the soil and the soil health.
My main reason for blogging about what we do here on the homestead is to share information about growing food and nutrition, particularly in regards to improving health. This is a pay it forward.
In 2007 a kind person shared all her research on food and nutrition with me, and as a result of that, I have not used a wheelchair since 2008. She was the one that pushed me to try to raise our own food. So now I share what I’ve learned in hopes someone else can have a better life too.
The reason I selected Steemit for blogging was the possibility of making a little something to supplement the single disability income we run this farm on. So a little SBI would aid that. I intend to keep posting every day as I have since joining in early February 2018.