4 word rhyming competition (Week 3) Start rhyming.

in #competition7 years ago (edited)




On a Monday i would post 4 words
E.G - Bank, Tank, Money, Life.

2 words would be rhyming 2 words wouldn't.
What you need to do is:

Make a Poem or Rhyme including all 4 words, it can be funny, serious or just plain daft.

1 entry a week. So best hold on until your happy with it

No spamming

Maximum lines 12.

To be posted into the main post comment section that i make on a Monday.

You must upvote the main post and if possible resteem.

The competition will run from Monday to Friday. Saturday the posts will be checked with winners posted on a Sunday.


The Winner will receive 2 sbd with 1 runner up receiving 1sbd. (Until I see how much the challenge earns) Then the prizes will rise. I will cover winnings with my own sbds.

If anyone wants to make a donation or help me with this competition contact me in the replys or via chat.

Here we go,


All entries must be posted in this post to be included.


Thank you son-of-satire


I have a bitter memory on Monday ..
That's the most historic day of my life ..
Certainly not Funday I mean ..
I was almost shot by Indonesian soldiers who fought against the Aceh Separatist Movement ..
But my Chicken died shot by their bullet ..

Thank you, good luck :)

This MONDAY, is the time that brings me the best FUNDAY
I looked at the cause of my happiness for this day;
and the cause is EASTER! He has risen.....
I will not wait to do the needful on this day because I'm happy
And because I'm happy, the CHICKEN has been sentenced to death!

Thank you. Good luck :)

EASTER Sunday was a FUNDAY...

Then it was MONDAY...

It was mundane...

Until I had a thought that was funny...

"Do Easter eggs come from a CHICKEN and a bunny?"

It's a cool and calm Monday.
The sight of shrieking Owl made my Funday.
I was lost hunting when I realised I have been missing the merriment of Easter.
I was delighted on getting home meeting a delicacy sauced with Chicken.

Thank you. Good luck :)

This is a toughie. I'll see what I can do! Later, alligator!

You can do it :)

On Monday I'm waiting for you at a Restaurant ..
Because I want to invite you to eat Roast Chicken ..
But you are not present on that exciting day.
So I was forced to spend Easter day alone without you .. 😁

Thank you, Good luck :)

Monday is a very fun day for workers.
Because on Monday everyone is busy with his job ..
Some even forgot to cook Chicken because leaving for office ..
Then they just found out the day after Easter was over ..

Thank You Good Luck :)

Everyone likes to eat Chicken, so do I ..
Monday may be a good day to enjoy it ..
It does not have to be on Easter Day.
Because enjoying the chicken together is a very nice thing ..
Especially one thigh eaten together ..

Thank you, good luck :)

I threw a CHICKEN and to break his legs.
It happened on MONDAY the yesterday.
I was annoyed that she ate the cake on my desk.
I will prepared it to celebrate EASTER ..
Because of the incident made me unable to get through a FUNDAY..

Ouch, the poor Chicken?

You create a contest on Monday.
That means it's a fun day for you ..
For me it's not just monday and other days more fun day.
But the big days like eid mubarak and Easter are the more fun..:D

ERM!!! OK then

It’s Easter weekend
I should be relaxing
It doesn’t pan out
My workload is maxing!

Friday, it’s stocktake
Not Hot Cross Bun Day
Saturday, it’s baking,
And shopping – not a Funday.

Sunday, a party,
Now that days a winner!
Monday – birthday eve,
And chicken for dinner.

This wee poemette then grew into its very own post, which hopefully I'll have up on my blog within a couple of hours. Have to go do some work first though!

Thank you. Good luck :)

Grudgingly, i woke up on a Monday
but I decided to go for a run today,
instead of sleeping in like it's Sunday
but reality has to ruin my Funday
because I lost a precious holiday
As Easter was on a Sunday
and God chickened out of
giving a break on a week day

Thank you. Good luck :)

I woke up this Moday morning
To notice everywhere is state of tranquility.
I evenly recall that yesterday was Easter.
Where Chicken and other animals were slaughtered
It was a Funday for all celebrants.
To help all celebrant and non celebrant alike, Monday was decleared a holiday
For those who had little or no fun yesterday to make it a Funday today
To equally have the opportunity to take Chicken to slaughter house
For merriment and Easter continuty.

Poor poor chicken :(

The CHICKEN got into the house and got on the table, that MONDAY was a FUN DAY, because we had to chase it everywhere. That night of PASCUA we had chicken with potatoes!


My name is Lil Crocs, I come to talk about my gang life. I do not have a job, but these 5-cent chains do not pay for themselves. I need money and boobs that's why I called Big horny dad and XXXFixurself to steal the monday a bank with a fucking war tank, but my mom says "fool comes back to your room and there's no food for you" but since I'm a gangster, I said "Ok mom :("


My mama is gangster, more gangster than me. Oh babe, she is a gangster (Don't broke my legs mama)

OH OH Not sure what this is about but OK then Thank you :)

I really like the day MONDAY, because every Monday there is a flag ceremony at my school ..
If I do not follow the ceremony, then I will be punished by burning CHICKEN for the food of the ceremony participants ..

Thank you. Good luck :)

My alarm clock bawks like a chicken in the yard,
Waking up on a Monday is Oh so very hard!
But wait! It's Easter, I don't have to leave my bed,
What a funday I'll have writing poetry instead!

Thank you. Good luck :)

My worst day of every week is Monday
I usually wake up with some knots in my Stomach
May be due to anxiety to face a new week of stress
Or better still anger due to the shortlived Sunday
Yes, I love Sundays because they are always Funday
The thoughts of the fried rice eaten with Chicken is still fresh.
I almost got off my bed before I realised this Monday is like no other.
Yes, it's Easter Monday and a holiday.
I guess the previous Funday enjoyed on Sunday Will be Extended to this Monday with some barbecue Chicken.

Thank you. Good luck :)