'What is the best book you've ever read?'
Catch 22 - book
Joseph Heller - author
The best book I have ever read is Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. I guess one of the reasons this book made such a big impression on me is that it appeals greatly to my sense of humour, the story telling sometimes makes light of what were very difficult situations at war.
There are certain situations in the book that were blatantly absurd. The guy who ran the food hall Milo, bought eggs for let say 1 cent in one country and sold them on somewhere else for a few cents extra, then he bought them back from the people he sold them onto making them a profit, then sold in the army mess hall and still made a profit.
I read this in my teenage years and will re read it again soon but it's beyond doubt the best book I have ever read. Other than the humor that resonated with me, being able to understand where such a phrase "Catch 22" came from left a strong impression, and the fact that a book could make that much of an impact on the English language, even if people weren't aware of how recently the phrase was invented.
Obviously catch 22 is a phrase most native English speaking people use every so often but most don't know the origin of it. Anytime someone tells a story and says it was a Catch 22 situation I ask them - "oh have you read the book?" and often get blank stares back.
The origin of the phrase comes from the book - a brilliant contradiction where the fighter pilots who wanted to be grounded ( not fly) were told that as they requested to be grounded they were sane enough to fly as they recognised the danger.
But if they flew they were crazy which was grounds to be allowed not to fly. But if they recognise this they were sane enough to fly. And so on. [The Catch 22 situation meant no pilots were grounded simply by asking to be grounded - they had to be sick or injured to avoid flying which was pretty dangerous]
I saw the movie and it really was an interesting mind-boggling story
Thank you for your entry. I lived in London for 6,5 years and I wasn't familiair with this term until a colleague who joined my team 1,5 years back started mentioning it several times. However I was not aware where it resonated. Sounds like a book I'd read. I guess based on your steemit ID, you are in the book trade?
Yeh I'd hear it every couple of months I'd hear it in conversation in Ireland anyway.
Well I started to sell books off steemit sort of as a hobby but I haven't invested much time in it due to my "real" job. But on steemit I offer to buy a book from bookdepository.com who deliver worldwide for free for someone and be paid in SBD or Steem as a novelty. Again the idea is there but I haven't invested much time in the execution yet.
@wolfje Upped my game with a giveaway if you'd like to enter, got to start somewhere
Thanks for the heads up! If you're running more competitions, I'll do a shoutout for you in my next competition blog next Monday. That way you will get the word our very fast. I'm definitely interested in entering. thanks again!