Authorities have imposed strict restrictions on posting on popular social media. This decision has been taken from the idea that customers cannot give any confusing information to the customers by publishing 'hate speech'.As a result of this decision, if a post is considered 'hate speech', then 'Yellow' alert message will be sent with an exclamation mark. Facebook has not yet fully implemented this rule. But suddenly the decision to change the rules is that there is a problem in posting or sharing on a Facebook page. The option of posting suddenly from 1:30 pm on Wednesday has been given. There are no alternatives to posting.Facebook is facing criticism for the abuse of personal information. Facebook's Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg has started its annual FAT Developer Conference in California from yesterday (Tuesday).
There he said that the misuse of personal information will not happen again. A few steps have been taken to prevent that. Apart from this, it is possible to post different content including postal content, religious provocative post on a Facebook page.
Mark Zucker also said that Facebook users can now learn from a third-party website and the app is collecting information about their profile. You can delete your information if needed.
The Facebook option of a Facebook page has been turned off from the rigorous attitude of Facebook about customers' safety. But it is not known only in Bangladesh or around the world. Besides, it was not told for how long it was. Until the report is written (Wednesday at 4:30 pm) options are not available everywhere. right....
Authorities have imposed strict restrictions on posting on popular social media.