Level UP!

in #compumatrix5 years ago (edited)

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True cryptocurrencies create a way to exchange for goods/services AND provide the gateway to decentralization, which levels the playing field for everyone.

So...how does one accumulate these cryptocurrencies if one doesn't know how to do so, or have the means to buy Bitcoin and other like coins?

As we know here on Hive...we EARN them.

If you know me at all, you’re aware that I am a member of Compumatrix. I’ve written about my passion for this cutting edge business before, and my fire has only gotten hotter since I began grasping the bigger picture of our Founders Vision. We have put in years of testing & securing our platform, which will bring in a new era for cryptos that we hope begins soon. Until then, I am inspired to share what we’re about in a few posts here on Hive, to get your attention and keep it really simple.

Because it is!

This company is going to go gangbusters if you know the value of decentralized cryptos & Peer to Peer (P2P) transactions. I’m not going to teach that here. That’s up to you to educate yourself on, if you don’t know already. Most Hivers already get it, or are well on their way.

So let's begin...

The heart of Compumatrix is what we call Virtual Prepaid Cards, or VPC’s. You can read about that on a post by Henry James, our Founder, on our Blog. And to make it even simpler and fun, below is a comic Henry created...to truly show the simplicity of what we have.



Can it get any easier? We buy/sell & compound our earnings. We are an International Company giving you the chance to own a (soon to be) coveted online business that is here to serve us ALL. You are on the front lines of the future.

I'll be sharing more opportunities & what we offer as we grow...so stay tuned! This is a big vision with exponential potential.

As we witness the current financial structures crumbling to survive before our eyes and suck us into their "new" digitized (centralized) systems, we have a choice to make.

Stick with the old or bring in the new?

It's up to you & me. Will we use this opportunity to help our selves, our communities, and humanity thrive?

I'm banking on it with my own keys to my own coin, leveling UP in a new way ♥

Until next time...



A little bitty Bio: Welcome to Lizaland, home of open hearts, brave souls, and change makers keeping it real. I am a self proclaimed HeArtist: an intuitive empath who is here to serve humanity with joy, honesty & passion. My intention is to support what I am FOR in this life that inspires us to thrive & be true to ourselves. My focus in writing on the Hive Blog Space is to share Compumatrix International, as I believe our company is a game changer in the decentralized sphere of true cryptocurrency. I believe in the power of humanity to collectively choose freedom. That is why I am here.

Follow your heart. Make a difference.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License