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RE: Warning!! Meltdown and Spectre!! Seriously bad

in #computer7 years ago

My take on it:

This year has seen the evisceration of any idea that intel/google/apple/MSFT/AMZN are in any way trustable platforms. It is simply the logical conclusion of the corporate integrated state that large projects like this will develop backdoors and it is in everyone not so affiliated's interest to develop computing systems through other means.

Actually, no indivivdual benefits from this nationally socialized computing philosophy, it is actually fascistic in nature, the end of the individual.

With AI and infinite storage, and as a strike against crypto, as in they could make huge viruses with this that could affect global computing, or just steal keys, yeah, time to be really sure about keeping your keys offline.

I rewatched the first few episodes of the reboot of Battlestar Galactica also. I suggest everyone else do the same.