HEXCASH Token – What You Need To Know.

in #computers7 years ago

HEXCASH is trying to change the way that the Crypto Market works, making it a much lower risk for investors.
In 2017, the Crypto Market took an unexpected turn and became a much more difficult and scary place. It became impossible to create low-risk and steady growth, and this put Crypto investors and enthusiasts into a bind.
Previously, the Crypto Market was primarily controlled by a few hedge fund managers who looked after large amounts along with other major exchanges. But this isn’t practical anymore. It only makes sense now, that the market needs to be owned by smaller, regular investors who carry small funds, invest with low risk, and have a target low return, demanding regularly.
HEXCASH has been determined to beat the fall in the Crypto Market.
HEXCASH is a truly decentralised CryptoFund Management Programme; they have worked to bridge the gap of reliability that has formed between investors and fund management programmes.
They are built on the industry standard Ethereum Blockchain System, and the ERC0 Token Standard that they hold ensures the unparalleled security of funds invested.
The HEXCASH Fund Management System is programmed to ensure that the token holder gains profits whilst holding tokens on the public Blockchain System.
Another way that they will increase your chances of profit as a token holder, is down to the number of tokens that they hold. They will only have around forty million tokens available in their supply. This means that when demand increases, then so does the price on the tokens that you own.
When HEXCASH was in development, they used the Ethereum system to ensure that no centralised functions were deployed for fund management; when centralised functions are deployed for fund management, this puts your hard earned and invested money in danger of a great loss. Instead, any money that you trust with HEXCASH stays completely under your control in accordance with any contract that you have signed and remains as safe as possible.
HEXCASH, unlike Bitcoin, is a much more affordable investment. Whilst the price of Bitcoin has shot into the thousands, not something that is affordable for everybody, with HEXCASH, your everyday man can afford to invest in cryptocurrency. Everybody regardless of how much money you have should have the chance to be a part of this exciting venture, and HEXCASH gives those with a lower budget the opportunity to have a piece of the action.
HEXCASH being a Blockchain has many advantages, the most important being; security. As there are so many millions of computers involved in a blockchain, and each and every one is updated when a new block enters the chain, if somebody were to try to hack the system, all information were on every other computer, and so information would not be lost. They continue to update data and add blocks if other computers have been shut down, making it difficult for an attacker to shut down the system completely.
HEXCASH – the wise investment.

Website Link:- https://www.hexcash.com Whitepaper Link:- https://www.hexcash.com/whitepaper.pdf


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