Great post!
I listened to a podcast on this same topic and there was a guy talking about how it was his job to go around and make sure all the machines his company maintained would not fail come January 1st 2000.
I'm sure people are working to make this fix as we talk about this but you are correct. It's going to take a lot of man power and money to get the old systems, such as the ones at banks, to allow for this upgrade. Luckily, we have 20 years to get them all updated.
<3 J. R.
its true, though as a friend said joking about the subject, maybe the resources to do this kind of job might be available in the next 5 years but as many programmers like to leave everything to the last minute their going to upload everything on December 31 of 2037 at 11:58 pm hahahaha, but seriously as I mentioned before, maybe this could seem like a pharaonic task right now but in a couple of years it won't be such a burden, I just hope people won't make such a fuzz about it as they did back in 1999