My Ideas on Biotech or human integration with computers

in #computers8 years ago

So think about the concept of school, you go there to learn, you go there to think but imagine if you didn't have to go to school at all. You already know everything you just need an input like a computer. Computers are made to understand everything from the start, if you program a computer to do something, it does it. But imagine if we could combine human originality and reason with a computer and make a super human that knows everything . We could advance at exponential rates and be ahead 50 years in just a short amount of time. People such as children or the homeless can literally be as smart as Stephen Hawking. We could be everything and know all, but there is bad to every good. The whole economy would be thrown off and it would be total chaos. Imagine some guy got the "computer upgrade" and he was just some normal guy with a normal job but then he goes and takes some powerful persons job. Where does that leave that powerful person? Then that person gets the upgrade and goes and takes somebody else's job and it would be the domino effect ending with the most powerful person in the world left with a job that has a salary just enough to live on. Rioting would happen with people being sick of being over qualified for their jobs and wanting the good jobs. This is just the basic run down version of my idea, I might make a more intricate post giving more detail later.