Wolfgrey Engineer Intro

6/20/2017 - Time to start a new way of documenting all the various projects we have plus some of the cycling my wife and I do.

Here's some of the projects I'm working on right now.

QBox --> An Arduino based hardware and the associated Windows software used to set up quiz bowls for teenagers. I use it currently for Bible quizzing but it can be used by home schoolers or public schools.

New house --> We recently bought some land that we are wanting to build a house on. We're planning on building the house as a low energy use house. We'll document that journey here.

Miscellaneous projects --> Various other projects around the house involving gardening and electronics.

Cycling! --> My wife and I both love to ride bicycles. I recently entered the Tour de Bentonville. I took a video with my GoPro during the event. Very fun.