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RE: Thinking about to going back to school for a second Bachelor's... Computer Science Degree!

in #computerscience7 years ago

I don't feel like my first go round in college was a wasted experience, but I would've buckled down and got the degree as quickly as possible. Like I said above, I found out later that when you don't have connections, "some college"= "no college". Employers assume you dropped out because it was too hard, not maybe there was a good opportunity on the table at the time. Going back after 11 years out got me up to speed on globalization, which was only mentioned in passing my first time in college. I used to be good at math, now i find I benefit from being in a group environment for math. It was also a good thing to be around the young energy. The benefit in being a returning student is being more focused on what you want to get out of being in school, like you said, now you want to work under a professional that can expose you to different projects. Wish you the best!