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RE: Parallelization Obsoletes the Desktop Computer

in #computing6 years ago (edited)

Dude ! I have an idea. help me create a coin that pays people for contribution. History, ideas, inventions, facts fiction...etc just like steemit but better! No Whales! Just people Loving People by sharing who they are. Get in touch with me Please...[email protected]
Love you Brother

our prior discussions. I will email you so that you will have my email address, but sometimes I miss emails so you can also try to ping me on Steemit if I don’t answer in email.Hi @codypanama, good to know you’re still around and thinking about

I’m still working on that altcoin project we were discussing. Have you seen the latest naming ideas?

In one way I’m very lucky that the Bitcoin price crashed in past weeks (but I’m hoping it doesn’t decline below $3000), because this means the next mania phase is more than a year from now. Which provides ample time for us to get the altcoin project released and be ready for the next speculation frenzy probably in 2020 or 2021. I had thought maybe the BTC price would curl back up from the $6K level and make a new ATH @ $30k in 2019. And it was going to be very unlikely for us to get our altcoin project released within that short time frame.

I’ve been slowed down so much by inability to functional normally due to remnant NALFD liver disease, cysts on spleen/liver/kidney, and apparently metabolic syndrome which I guess were complications from the Tuberculosis I had for several years and wasn’t able to properly diagnose and cure until I took the 6 months of liver toxic antibiotics in 2017. About a week ago, I started a very strict no carbs, ketogenic nutritional diet. I am eating enough calories, fat, and protein to be satiated. At first I was even more low energy on that diet change, but the past 2 days I rebounded very well, lost cravings, able to fast entire day and only eat once in the evenings. And the result is my mental energy has been fabulous the past 2 days. If this continues I will be able to radically accelerate my work.

Another dev is also expressing interest to contribute to the open source project. May find more eventually.

I’m making good progress on the technological side. Here are some links demonstrating the work I have been doing the past week for example:

Also let me excerpt from two recent emails I sent:

Here an article I saw today. Best use case for Bitcoin I have yet seen and a likely foreshadowing of its future.

Yes that is what the altcoin project I have been contemplating for the past 3 years is supposed to do, yet with even more features in the form of dAPPs.

Also I wrote recently on my Steemit about how the Alex Jones situation and the banning of payments to Gab was going to lead to a use case for cryptocurrency.

Censorship resistance could be the killer app of cryptocurrency as a currency. Bitcoin will be relegated to the reserve currency asset for crypto.

There's also the use case of replacing advertising for users who want to pay a smidgen for much better software experience:

It was when I originally joined in I think 2016. But I have not used it since, because the UI and features were uninspiring (at last back then). I also recently joined Trybe to look around, but didn't see anything that peaked my interest.

Unfortunately I was delayed by the illness and these other projects (including Steem) may appear to have some momentum. But their momentum is really an illusion. They don’t have significant adoption.

AFAIK Gab isn’t on a blockchain (at least not yet). And TRYBE may be on the scalability-challenged Ethereum.

Bitcoin’s transaction fees and slow block period will end up hindering what they can do with Gab taking Bitcoin payments. I am proposing to do many interesting things with semi-automated microtransactions that are confirmed in real-time. This requires a change in the blockchain design.

And one of the problems for all these blockchain social networks, is nobody has yet solved how to keep a blockchain decentralized without driving transaction fees sky high. IOW, proof-of-work only is decentralized with a chosen block size that is never changed. Once you fork off changing it, then the ecosystem dilutes in deleterious forks as we see with BCH, BSV etc forks of Bitcoin. So the common denominator of the game theory equilibrium returns to the original block size and protocol which is the Real Bitcoin (which Satoshi's original Real Bitcoin miners will end up destroying the current mainstream Core Bitcoin by taking all the SegWit "pay to anyone" UTXO as donations). And at the end game when Bitcoin's price volatility subsides with widescale adoption, then the mining will become centralized for the reason I alluded to in a prior email.

So no one has yet shown how to keep proof-of-stake decentralized. That is what my 4 part blog series explained in great technical detail:

I think I have figured out how to accomplish that goal.

Also I think (when healthy) we are better programmers than those at Gab and can race ahead of them with features and have a much better product. I was known for that in all my work in the past.

Also I doubt Gab nor Trybe are orienting their feature set to have anything compelling for most Asians who are not that concerned about censorship resistance. Ditto Latin America.

The project I am working on has a design with a decentralized onboarding paradigm (the only way that humans could actually mine tokens without any capital but their presence and which can't be gamed by bots) thus sidestepping the problems with ICOs and securitization laws. I have really thought this out in great detail over the past couple of years. Neithr Gab nor EOS have this. People are not going to be willing to buy tokens (i.e. Bitcoin) in the beginning to join a social network. Thus Gab has a hen-egg dilemma and will not succeed.

That is why I have my foot jammed down on the accelerator and just trying to find a way to get my health to cooperate.

If had not gotten ill, the project I am now collaborating on, would likely have been released in 2017.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: XAYA Growth Engine [email protected]
Date: Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Action required - Dec 6 Deadline

By 2013, team members were programming for Namecoin while also actively coding up the world’s first blockchain game, Chronokings. Limited to a small alpha release, the scope was reduced and the world’s first full release hit the internet as the Huntercoin experiment.

Huntercoin was low-key with no marketing, but met with instant success in the crypto community. Understanding just how creative and innovative Huntercoin was, F2Pool began merged mining Scrypt and SHA-256d (Huntercoin pioneered multi-algo cryptos) and shortly after Poloniex listed HUC.

Today, with lessons learned in Namecoin and Huntercoin and new technologies invented, the team is enabling developers with peer-reviewed and proven technologies to put games up to 100% on the blockchain. There, these game can run serverless, unstoppable, provably fair, and even profitable for gamers with the play-to-earn model of Human Mining.

Welcome to true blockchain gaming.

Bounty Deadline
December 6th is the absolute deadline to get us any CHI addresses for any bounty campaign. No CHI addresses will be accepted after then and all coins will be forfeited. You should enter your CHI address into the Growth Engine on the homepage.

Your XAYA team
Copyright © 2018 Autonomous Worlds Ltd., All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
The Penthouse, Suite 2, Capital Business Centre
Entrance C, Triq Taz-Zwejt
San Gwann Malta SGN3000

Here's the link to the whitepaper for that ICO announcement you forwarded to me:

Note last year I had a discussion with their main dev (Daniel Kraft) who did all the work on Namecoin which they cite in their whitepaper.

Note they ostensibly took some of the ideas from my post and put in their whitepaper.

But what they didn't put in their whitepaper is the discussion of the potential flaws I see in their technological design.

Also note in their white paper that they mention “human mining” 7 times but never explain the technology for it. That is because anything a human can do in a game, a bot can do better. So there's no way that humans can earn mined tokens by playing a game. I have already contemplated the only technological possible means of decentralized human onboarding (i.e. massive adoption!) of minted tokens already worked out. I had emailed all of you about it recently. But like most things I email you guys, you do not understand the relevance. I think I also shared that link above before too, but you guys do not remember and do not associate it with that ICO announcement you see in your Inbox.

You will hopefully understand that I am working on the killer app use cases. Games are not the only one.

I see those Xara (formerly Chimaera) guys chose not to have further discussions with me nor offer to collaborate.

The project which onboards more users will have the upper hand on economies-of-scale and can basically take everything they have of value and put on the more popular blockchain.

However, if they are able to gain adoption faster because of having interesting games that would be an advantage for them.

So in short, we are moving too slow on the project I’m collaborating on and we need to accelerate. Which is what I am busy working on now.

If we were not in a down market, I would say that a speculation on their tokens might be worthy of some throwaway money. But a lot can happen between now and the time that the market for hype recovers.

They do appear to have a lot of experience on their side. I take them seriously, but I doubt they have solved the fundamental technological problems that I raised in the linked discussion above.

P.S. As you all know (like a broken record repeated over and over again) my progress was stalled by illness. I appear to be stabilizing my health with a combination of diet restriction, regularized exercise and daily full body skin exposure to the sunshine. By stabilized I mean not getting the brain chemical energy deficits that cause my thinking to be discombobulating and foggy (i.e. make it impossible to really work at any deep technological level where many concepts need to be assimilated). My spleen condition apparently means that if I don't maintain strict adherence to that regimen, then I regress back into brain fog and non productivity. So in short, I am learning how to manage my condition optimally (and I hope and pray eventually cure it entirely). So this also means no late nighters or all nights. It means getting off the computer at disciplined and designated times throughout the day. I will revisit this health topic after a couple of weeks to inform if my regimen has sustained stability of productivity.


Wow, that's a lot to digest. Amazing, I was just thinking about you and logged in to ask you a question. Can the steemit program be doctored to restart under the name Love or something like that with Love tokens and Love backed Dollars? We already know what went wrong with steemit in the early and late stages. The distribution needs to be fairer from the start to begin with. Can the witness system be implemented or better to just have every user running a copy?
I'm just waking up so need some time to read through your thoughtful comment.
Chat with you soon 💕

Wow, that's a lot to digest. Amazing, I was just thinking about you and logged in to ask you a question. Can the steemit program be doctored to restart under the name Love or something like that with Love tokens and Love backed Dollars? We already know what went wrong with steemit in the early and late stages. The distribution needs to be fairer from the start to begin with. Can the witness system be implemented or better to just have every user running a copy?

Unfortunately I don’t think “love” is a theme that will drive millions of users, which is necessary to gain the economies-of-scale to be a serious social network.

I think what will drive a social network are seriously needed use cases that users can’t obtain without a tokenized, decentralized (i.e. nobody controls it) blockchain. I mentioned two of those use cases in my prior comment to which you replied. Another major one (perhaps the most important) is gamification (not the same as what most people think of as games but rather gamification is all about human psychology), which becomes much easier with tokenization.

A truly decentralized blockchain enables §Thin Protocols which is discussed at the end of my recent blog. However, I haven’t written the blog on Thin Protocols yet, so refer to this link in the meantime.

Also initial distribution isn’t the only reason Steem was doomed. It was doomed because as I explained in 2016 (and c.f. my follow-up blog), the concept of minting tokens from a collective money supply for rewards that are determined by voting can’t possibly be designed in any way that doesn’t aggregate to a few whales over time. That is math and logic. So to fix Steem requires throwing away everything that Steem is, including voting.

Also I have explained many times that DPoS can’t be decentralized. Thus EOS is ultimately doomed also.

I will repeat I am working on solutions to all of this. I will reiterate that my illness is slowed me down considerably.

I'm very interested in XAYA. got signed up and collecting coins already. next step is buy some CHI on the exchange. thanks for the heads up Brother.