Everything is a Con! Yea I really do mean everything!

in #con6 years ago


Yep if your reading this don't worry you don't necessarily need glasses. I really do mean that almost everything is a con! This is my very first post but if all goes well I think this will be the first of many. I definitely plan on touching on an extremely wide range of topics over the course of my literal rants. I think a lot of you already realize that most political parties, government, corporations, industries, markets, money, big tech, software, so so so many fields of science and medicine, the internet, and patents are absolutely cons. At the very least mostly fraudulent and being used to drain the worlds population of there financial, spiritual, and emotional energy. Now what I listed previously are probably no brainners to many of you but I plan on mixing it up with more controversial and more taboo subjects even in the liberty minded truth seeking depths of steemit and dtube. The funny thing is there’s levels to this thing folks and we all know it. I will be honest I have been thinking about the idea of putting my thoughts out there on the old web for years but usually just chose to speak with people in a more one on one or small group kinda stage to try and bring people around to my way of thinking or to be convinced by theirs. At the end of the day I want to learn and grow as human being. To me the old saying really is true and knowledge is power and the truth will set you free. I figure not only am I going to share what I have learned with other and teach but I am also going to learn a lot of new things writing this post. That’s what I think makes the comment section so great.

Okay so lets go ahead and actually rip the band aid off so to speak. So how corrupt is modern medicine in the good old US of A? Is it all a con or do you think just certain areas of it are? So here is my take is any part of it that the pharmaceutical industry influences heavily is mostly become a con. Areas like sports medicine, physical therapy, and physical trauma surgery. Basically, your in the right place if you have a broken bone, an open wound that needs to be treated and closed up from say a car crash or some other kind of blunt force trauma. So tell what you guys think… am I right or am I wrong?