BitConnect is NOT a Scam

in #concurrency7 years ago

When I first saw the Bitconnect concept my first thought was it sounds Too good to be true and was distracted away. Then I saw it again, and again, and again. at this point, I decided to look into and investigate BitConnect.

Full disclosure: I am now invested in Bitconnect, and the lending platform so this is a biased opinion. Let me tell you where I am coming from, and why I have made this decision. I have been in the financial services industry and have studied for my securities license so when I see that Bitconnect is traded on at least 3 public exchange platforms it was a huge plus for me. These public exchange platforms are regulated and they are required to investigate the currency and each has its own set of standards before the currency can be sold on that platform. This one fact shows me that Bitconnect has met the requirements of each exchange and they have done their due diligence. If the exchange were to knowingly accept a scam or they could lose their certification to be an exchange and would lose out on all those huge fees that we all pay them.

The BitConnect Lending Program uses a trading bot that could be purchased by any serious trader for a few hundred dollars. Most of the popular financial institutions such as J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs use similar programming. They would never reveal their trading bot programming and how it works, but when people catch wind of a cryptocurrency that is using a volatility robot to buy and sell Bitcoin making money for anyone who is willing to take the leap and invest their money in something that sounds too good to be true they yell Scam.

BitConnect is Empowering People Financially‎ and this is not heard of very much in business because the average person has been scammed at least once so when "it sounds Too good to be true" people think scam.

I have questioned several people who have made a lot of money with BitConnect and they all have been able to withdraw money and they live quite well off of the profits made on BitConnect. I personally see it as an opportunity to do the same.
If you are not involved but interested please follow the referral link

All recommendations and comments are the opinion of writer. Investors should be cautious about any and all recommendations and should consider the source of any advice. Various factors, including personal ownership, may influence or factor into an analysis or opinion. Please do your own research, and come to your own conclusion.


It's not a scam, just a ponzi scheme.

I think the only thing that you read was the title then posted your preconceived opinion. What do you base your decision on?

I saw a referral link too, that's more than enough. I would write why my decision is based from, but from experience it's just a waste of time.

how much money did you lose from this?

Agreed! massive pyramid scheme with most of the profits going to those who get other suckers to join avoid avoid avoid!

they kept on saying ponzi or pyramiding but it keeps on giving profit... They've only seen and heard what's on the tip of the iceberg not knowing the whole of it.

Two thumbs up with your investment.

what do you have to say now? its still not a scam

explain what had happened?