Great suggestions. Many of them seem like fairly easy coding tasks. I may even pickup one of those PRs myself. Though I suspect the lions share of the first one is getting the environment up and running locally; I have not looked at the setup but that is a chunk of work in most projects.
I have just started considering some of my own Steem based projects, hopefully one or the other ideas gather enough steam to get off the ground. :-D
Yeah, that would be awesome! You are correct, getting condenser up and running is probably a large part of the effort :) I've done it quite a few times myself now though - basically just following the GitHub instructions. I have it down to a science and can get a fresh instance up and running in about 20 min now.
Cool, well I will have to put getting the environment up and running on my list to get done soon. Then I can start looking at these things.
I think I will put up a ticket for the lack of OG tags on profile pages, so sharing a link to your blog will produce more compelling previews on social media.
Added that ticket: Add full "og" tags to blog/profile pages