What a great post and justly rewarded. I felt like I was going back in time. There were numerous situations that you pointed out that struck a cord with me.
" Upon entering college, you won’t qualify for a decent auto loan with an interest rate in single digits but you’re pre-approved for 300 grand at your nearest university—congratulations!"
I have come to the conclusion that this is a way for the system to get you locked into their bulls--t from early on.
"Being absent from your children’s lives is acceptable behavior if you want them to eat, you’re not the only one, generations before you and everyone you work with is equally deprived of their children’s attention."
This statement is all too true, and for most young couples starting out it is a necessity to jump on the wheel and provide your children with everything every other kid has. As you have so precisely put it, we are conditioned to think this way.
To this day I am thankful that we didn't take the bait on this one.
When we started our family, a mutual decision was made that we would raise our children. With only one source of income we did not keep up with the Jones, but we did raise our kids, as one of us was always there. They may have not had all of the cool stuff every other kid had, but they always had our love and attention. Material stuff just didn't matter all that much.
"Nobody is born identifying their skin color as superior or subordinate to another skin color—it’s taught."
This line brought back the memories of one particular event that occurred when I was only 17. I was not blind to the fact that racism was part of the fabric of our society, but I had never experienced it first hand.
While on a 10 day trip with the college baseball team we played several games in Virginia, West Virginia and the Carolina's. One evening a handful of us went out for dinner in a local place right across from where we were staying. One of the guys in our group was a dude named Joey Briggs, a black man. At the time, his brother Johnny Briggs was playing professional baseball for the Phillies, and was an up and coming star.
As soon as we entered the place, we were told that we all could be seated, but that they would not allow the colored guy to join us as it was against their policy. I was shocked, and needless to say we left. Boy that event was an eye opener.
"Since grade school I’ve been conditioned to fear Libya, Iraq, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Russia (Russia is a big one!),"
Talk about conditioning, when I was back in grade school we had fire drills, OK, but what the hell were they thinking when we would practice bomb drills. We would all jump under our desks, be on our knees, with our hands over our head. Now that is conditioning, but I guess that if the Commies did push the button down, this maneuver would keep us all safe.
It is time for more people to question the s--t we are fed and start thinking out of the box. In many small ways I feel that people are starting to get it. Isn't that what this crypto revelation, homesteading, getting off of the grid and other alternative life styles is all about.
I know, another one on thebigsweed's long replies, but no kidding I feel like I'm just getting started.
I will leave it at that. What a provocative piece. Thanks @dandays
My pleasure, @thebigsweed, thank you for giving me such a well thought out response. I’m not making this up, I said to Pura Vida just now which, by the way, every time I type Pura, my autocorrect types “Oura.” 🤔 Anyhow, I just said to her “go look at the response Sweed just left me. For someone to give me, a dude who’s substantially younger than him, such kind compliments feels amazing!” iheart your full-bodied size responses—I have a feeling you’re about to get one in return. 👍🏿
The crypto revolution, homesteading, you’re exactly right. We’re all starting to realize the magnitude of big banking at the same time—it’s a beautiful thing. What an amazing concept we’ve come to accept as a community—needing a central bank, actually “needing” one. I’m almost ashamed to admit it took me 30 something years before I realized how evil that concept is. About the only thing I never took the bait on was “direct deposit.” My God, Never even seeing your worth, just trusting your employer to be on good terms with central banking and Vice versa—obserd.
Learning the fire drills and bomb drills at such a young age and what seems to be a weekly basis—what do you think? Do you think that’s a commy prevention tactic or a fear tactic? They began conditioning us long before we thought about asking questions. They’re F’ing evil, Rob, they know it.. we know it.. Pura Vida has even said things like “how do you think they feel?” And my response is typically to the extent of “they’re not human, they don’t feel anything.” As I write you this response, I really hope I get to see Cuba, Libya, Iraq, etc. one of these days.
Good for you guys to wipe your you know what with that restaurant who refused service to Joey Briggs. All of that hatred has to be taught—it’s terrible and inhumane. But, Sweed, I thought you were a big shot in the big leagues?! You mean to tell me you were a dual sport phenom—I’m impressed!
I’m not surprised at all by you raising your family the way you did—providing support and, at the same time, someone always being home for the kids. God bless you guys! I said it in a previous response but I’ll happily say it again—“thank you for leading by example.”
Yeah, man.. the whole student loan confinement, what a shame! Locking perfectly human, oxygen breathing souls down to a student loan that can’t be paid off in a lifetime—I can’t beleive our country has instilled such practices. Everything they teach revolves around consumption, it’s F’ing gross! I sure do appreciate you taking the time to read my work, sir, it leads me to believe I’m doing something right. Thank you!
About the reward on this post, what in the heck is going on with Steem?! I appreciate that, kindly, and you’re absolutely right, this is a pleasant reward—blocktrades rocks!! I’m so blessed they stopped by, sir, this was another one I was real hesitant to click the post button on. Sharing my opinion always makes me nervous. 👍🏿 What I’m asking you is, just a few days ago it was valued at $63. 🤔 That’s a heck of a tank in just a few short days, what do you make of this downward spiral?
Thanks for stopping by, @thebigsweed, to say “the pleasure is all mine” is an understatement. It was nice to see you at #fff again, too. Happy Saturday to you and yours!