Southern Colors Day

in #confederate9 years ago


As you are reading this our government, via the media, is conducting an  all out offensive to destroy The History of The Confederacy. While I  believe in and have Southern Pride, The Confederacy stands for and  belongs to all of those who believe in Freedom. The Confederacy has its  roots in the birth of the nation which is now known as The United States  of America. The Confederacy was born on July 4th 1776, with the  publishing of The Declaration of Independence. Since then liberals have  been waging a war against The Confederacy. Their first attempt at  destroying The Confederacy was the document which all of us at one time  were brainwashed into believing was sacred; The U.S. Constitution.  The Confederacy endured from 1781 until 1789. This period of the  nations history is often ignored by most historians and scholars. It was  during this interval in which the States had mastery over their own  destiny and affairs. However, liberals of the time desired to create a  strong central government in which the states would become subservient.  The U.S. Constitution was born out of a aspiration to increase  government control over the States, not restrain such. Patrick  Henry, when addressing the liberals of his day, stated: "Where is the  danger? If, sir, there was any, I would recur to the American spirit to  defend us; that spirit which has enabled us to surmount the greatest  difficulties: to that illustrious spirit I address my most fervent  prayer to prevent our adopting a system destructive to liberty."  Mr. Henry further continued: "This Constitution is said to have  beautiful features; but when I come to examine these features, sir, they  appear to me horribly frightful. Among other deformities, it has an  awful squinting; it squints towards monarchy; and does not this raise  indignation in the breast of every true American? Your President may  easily become king. Your Senate is so imperfectly constructed that your  dearest rights may be sacrificed by what may be a small minority; and a  very small minority may continue forever unchangeably this government,  although horridly defective. Where are your checks in this government?  Your strongholds will be in the hands of your enemies. It is on a  supposition that your American governors (i.e., Presidents) shall be  honest, that all the good qualities of this government are founded; but  its defective and imperfect construction puts it in their power to  perpetrate the worst of mischiefs, should they be bad men; and, sir,  would not all the world, from the eastern to the western hemisphere,  blame our distracted folly in resting our rights upon the contingency of  our rulers being good or bad? Show me that age and country where the  rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of  their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty! I say  that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with  absolute certainty, every such mad attempt". Patrick Henry along  with others of the day loved Freedom and believed that America should  continue as a Confederacy where each state maintained sovereignty.  Sadly, Patrick Henry's words, "Your President may easily become king"  would come to fruition with the election of the tyrannical Abe Lincoln.  Patrick Henry also noted the constitution itself provided the  government the means to circumvent the constitution itself: "The next  clause of the bill of rights tells you, "that all power of suspending  law, or the execution of laws, by any authority, without the consent of  the representatives of the people, is injurious to their rights, and  ought not to be exercised." This tells us that there can be no  suspension of government or laws without our own consent; yet this  Constitution can counteract and suspend any of our laws that contravene  its oppressive operation; for they have the power of direct taxation,  which suspends our bill of rights; and it is expressly provided that  they can make all laws necessary for carrying their powers into  execution; and it is declared paramount to the laws and constitutions of  the states. Consider how the only remaining defense we have left is  destroyed in this manner. Besides the expenses of maintaining the Senate  and other house in as much splendor as they please, there is to be a  great and mighty President, with very extensive powers — the powers of a  king. He is to be supported in extravagant magnificence; so that the  whole of our property may be taken by this American government, by  laying what taxes they please, giving themselves what salaries they  please, and suspending our laws at their pleasure". In 1861 men  of great courage stood up to the Constitutional form of government being  practiced by The United States and re-instituted The Confederate States  of America. The Confederacy maintained that each state was sovereign  and that men should have the right to self-govern. The Confederacy was  not born out of a love of the institution of slavery, far be it, The  Confederacy was born out of a love of Freedom. As a matter of fact The  Confederacy did not take part in the slave trade as did its neighbor to  the north, The United States. Sadly, with the victory over and  occupation of The Confederate States of America by Lincoln's army, the  truth of why the war was waged has also become a casualty to the north's  aggression. The Confederate States are now occupied and being forced to  live under the rule of a despotic constitutional government. This is  why we must carry on the fight and protect the true history of our  cause. The memory of men such as Patrick Henry, Robert E. Lee, Bedford  Forrest and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson cannot be erased. For if the  remembrance of these men is abolished from our culture we are allowing  Freedom itself to be obliterated. Why do the liberals fight so  hard to tear down our markers and besmirch the men of The Confederacy?  Is it not because the legacy of the The Confederacy is that of a fight  against tyranny? Is it not because the embers of Freedom still glow and  the fire they threaten to reignite are a menace to their tyrannical  agenda? Patrick Henry stated that a constitutional government was  a threat to freedom and would allow the minority the ability to oppress  the majority: "This, sir, is the language of democracy — that a  majority of the community have a right to alter government when found to  be oppressive. But how different is the genius of your new Constitution  from this! How different from the sentiments of freemen, that a  contemptible minority can prevent the good of the majority!"  Flying The Battle Flag of The Confederacy on August 29th, 2016 is just a  small way of letting the world know that you stand for Freedom.  However, with a massive display of The Confederate Battle Flag on that  day we can show the politicians and the world that we are not willing to  let Freedom die or the memory of those who fought for freedom perish.  The spirit of The Confederacy can be summed up in three simple words  which are to be directed toward any form of government: LET US ALONE!!  It is government which enslaves us and destroys our Freedom and Wealth. A  small group of "elites" which desire to be treated as royalty imposes  taxation, so they may live off of our labors. This small group holds the  majority in bondage and threatens fines and imprisonment to any who  desire to live outside of the confines of their grasp. They promise to  us danger if we seek Freedom from their oppression. They declare our  only guarantee of safety is in our continuous servitude to their system.  In his argument against constitutional government Patrick Henry stated;  " go to the poor man, and ask him what he does. He will inform you that  he enjoys the fruits of his labor, under his own fig-tree, with his  wife and children around him, in peace and security. Go to every other  member of society, — you will find the same tranquil ease and content;  you will find no alarms or disturbances. Why, then, tell us of danger,  to terrify us into an adoption of this new form of government? And yet  who knows the dangers that this new system may produce? They are out of  the sight of the common people: they cannot foresee latent consequences.  I dread the operation of it on the middling and lower classes of  people: it is for them I fear the adoption of this system.... Will the  great rights of the people be secured by this government? Suppose it  should prove oppressive, how can it be altered? Our bill of rights  (Articles of Confederation) declares, "that a majority of the community  hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform,  alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive  to the public weal. I have just proved that one tenth, or less, of the  people of America — a most despicable minority — may prevent this reform  or alteration." Patrick Henry believed in a Confederacy, not a  constitutional republic. He knew the dangers which the proposed  constitutional republic presented to the common man. The Confederacy  served to provide a common defense while ensuring the sovereignty of  each participating state. Under state sovereignty each individual  practiced self-government without fear of regulation by a ruling class.  It is this ideal in which we fight for and hope to restore. In  closing, I request that everyone who loves The Confederacy and Freedom  share this post. May we band together in the face of tyranny and  proclaim to those who seek to destroy our Freedom that we will not  perish without a fight. Those who oppose Freedom have made great gains  and are now preparing to forward their agenda of tyranny and oppression.  If we want to restore The Confederacy and the Freedom which accompanies  it, we must be more diligent than they. Flying the Battle Flag at your  home or on your vehicle is just one small way of saying "Let Us Alone".~William Moore


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