confidence? Just a few tips...

in #confidence8 years ago


What makes us confident?

  • self esteem - Which is self respect and having faith within yourself.
  • self acceptance - Believing in your validity of your opinions and beliefs.
  • self belief - Knowing you can achieve what you set out to do.
  • taking constructive criticism - Not letting critiques lower your self esteem. 

How to conquer negative vibes that you give yourself...

Cut off the bad consequences and concentrate on the good - A lot of people (including myself) overthink a situation and come up with consequences that are highly unlikely to happen. For example, you want to go bust some dope ass moves on the dance floor but your mind is telling you things like: "everyone will laugh at you", "you will look weird", "people will record you and put it on social media". Instead of submerging your mind within the negative outcomes, try and concentrate on the good points like you'll be trying something new and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone (good for developing self-esteem). 

Talking to people - When your brain is telling you like "you'll look stupid" or "you'll make yourself look more awkward", this can have a massive impact on your self-esteem, which is vitally important to being confident within your appearance and personality. In a real life scenario, your back on the dance floor and your brain is bombarding you with negative thoughts. If this happens, try and take your mind off things. An effective way of doing this is to talk to someone next to you. This helps as you will concentrate more on what you are going to say next, rather than your pessimistic brain! 

Thanks for reading...

I hope you have enjoyed this blog and can learn from the tips above. Hopefully, this can help you become more confident within yourself.

Hope you all have an enjoyable week :)



It is always the best to socialise with people. Living in solitude will only let that negative energy manifest and grow stronger sometimes controlling and dictating your actions.

To be confident, as you stated it starts with changing the way you act yourself and no other factor can have such a toll on your confidence except for the fact you limit yourself.

Really interesting post @jonathanyoung

thank you for your well thought out comment as always @arkrai. I totally agree!