I must thank @thegaillery for creating this initiative.
Why did I join this contest?
Confidence plays a huge role in our daily lives. The outcome of things directly or indirectly relates to how confident or not-so confident we are about them because confidence brings out the best in us. I always strive to be a better version of myself. Participating in this project, will help me identify areas that I need to focus on to become a better person.
What area will I focus on?
As a young man who has big dreams, most times, I feel like I’m not good enough to achieve the things that I dream of. And this negative thought stems from inadequate confidence in myself – this is one area that I hope to focus on.
To overcome this challenge I’ll practise the following three habits with the hope of becoming better:
- Positive confessions
There’s power in positive confessions. The body gets accustomed to what you constantly speak into it. Every day, I’ll tell myself that I’m good enough, that I’m capable and that I can achieve anything I set my mind on. I’ll look myself in the mirror and speak positively to myself.
- I’ll read at least one book on confidence every month
Knowledge is power. It’s amazing how our lives can change by the information we discover. I’ll read at least one book written by experts in the field of confidence every month. I believe I can learn how to become more confident from their reservoir of knowledge.
- I’ll always try
Most times, I don’t try things or opportunities because I feel I’m not good enough for them. Henceforth, I’ll always try. It’s better to try and fail than to not try at all. Failure is a thing of the mindset. Rather than see myself as a failure if things don’t come through, I’ll learn from that experience in order to do better next time.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. With these little efforts, I believe I’ll become more confident in myself and see that I’m good enough for anything I set to do.
Thank you for getting on board with us, @everchris! This post is a positive confession in itself. Congratulations on identifying your area of focus 😁I can't wait to see how far you'll go.
Thank you @thegaillery. I'm truly inspired.
Thank you for participating @everchris! This is a good start! I can't wait for your stories about confidence a year from now. It's a long way to go, but you'll get there.
What you've shared will really help those who can identify their areas of focus. Good job!
Thank you @ybanezkim