Seeing reports come out that shots were fired and one Congressman hit and new reports going rampid doing what they do best create hate and hostility and make sure they use all of the buzz words like Assult Rifle, terrorism, bla bla bla , now they are going to problem be quick to move and enact more gun control which means taking away rights of the american people, when are these idiots up there going to realize guns have nothing to do with the issue and restricting them or taking them away will not fix the issue look at places like Chicago gun free city and one of the highest gun crimes areas, gun free zones look at Pulse nightclub in Orlando yet that worked out for the people there, you can try to regulate and take away all the guns you want from the people of the United States but THE BAD GUYS WILL STILL HAVE GUNS !!!!!!! IDIOTS. So looks like Conress will get off their ass and maybe do something that will again affect Americans and take further rights away from them, everyone of the F TARDS need to be fired and start over, you are the reason for this shooting today wake up and start doing your F ING jobs and quit the 2 yr old temper tantrums and fighting GROW THE FUCK UP and ACT YOUR AGE,
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Lord have mercy, you think one day we can wake up to no violence or governmental tactics to use false flags to incite control on our citizens. I haven't seen this because I literally overslept here lol....working way too late on Steemit lately lol. But thank you for this info, I will look more into it. Its odd this happened because last night I thought about created another part to my A CRYPTO ODYSSEY series and it involves fixing our governments lol.
the only fixing of the government is to go back to the beginning and reset it like is was when we first setup a government for the United States and had people in government because they wanted to make something out of America and not look for a way to make a buck, they started out making nothing to be in government now they make around $172,000 for maybe the 6 to 8 months they claim to be doing something, you get into government because you want to make a difference not to be a corruptitician
I fully agree with you. Once they created the Federal Reserve our government became a government of bankers and we do not need bankers running the show we need living and breathing upholders of rights and freedom and you can not run the show about money vs the actual people's best interest in mind. Do they deserve a paycheck, sure but they shouldn't try to keep increasing that pay on the backs of its citizens. Don't you worry though, the time of the way its been is coming to a serious close, hence all the chaos you are seeing. Its their death thralls of squeezing tight the last few opportunities they have left at being a non transparent government, we the people are sick and tired....believe they know that and profit taking before its reform time
The Congressmen basically made the point against gun control
From the CNN article:
"We had nothing but baseball bats to fight back against a rifle with," Brooks said.
Thank goodness there were good guys with guns to save them!