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RE: Swane's Golden Pencil Pine

in #conifers7 years ago

Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens ‘Swane’s Golden’ (CUg)
Common Name: Swane’s Golden Italian cypress, Swane’s Golden pencil pine

Species description
 Evergreen
 Upright tree with narrow columnar form
 Grey lightly fissured bark
 Dense golden foliage
 Small ovoid cones
Height and width
10 to 15 metres tall by 3 to 5 metres wide
Species origin
Mediterranean areas to Iran; cultivar selected in 1944
by Swane’s Nursery, Australia
Landscape use
 Available Soil Volume required 68m3
 Suitable for avenue planting or group plantings in urban
parks, as well as in shopping precincts
 Suitable for street tree plantings on narrow verges,
providing minor shade for footpaths
 Suitable for use in home gardens
 Requires a minimum clearance of 3 metres from buildings
Use considerations
 Suitable for all locations in the ACT
 High frost tolerance to minus 10 degrees Celsius and high
drought tolerance
 Will grow in all Canberra soils
 Long lived
 Moderate growth rate
 Low to medium flammability
 May have minor canker problems
 Provides wildlife habitat for bird nesting


nice description... nice to know something

Thank you.. You can also give description..