General Features of the Cupressus sempervirens
Naturally, it grows in the region from the Mediterranean region to the Himalayas. The summer is warm in the winter, it does not spill out. The leaves are at the first exit, then the needle is in the form of flakes. There are no stoma lines on the stamp leaves. The leaves are covered with resin glands in the middle. Cupressus sempervirens has a very unique flavor of its own. There are many resin and gum derivative materials in the tree, and the smell of these materials is very boring.
One of the most important features of the tree is very light, so the resonance length is very high. Cupressus sempervirens are the only ones. Male and female flowers are found in different branches. Male flowers are long cylindrical and small. The female flowers are arranged in crosses and consist of a large number of cone washers, each with many seeds. The cones are woody, round (1.5 to 4 cm in diameter), contain 6 to 12 stamps, each of which contains 30 to 40 seeds. The seeds mature for the second year. The cones are in the shape of a shield and are connected to a point in the middle of the conch. There are a large number of seeds under each cone. The seeds are hard-crusted. It is easily used in windbreaking and road reforestation.
Cupressus sempervirens can be grown 30-35 m over time with slow growth. It is one of the rare plants that can live 2000 or even 3000 years.
There are 20 types of Cupressus sempervirens in the form of green trees or bushes, and there are various taxa of these species. The crust is in a bitter color, the interior is light brown, and the length is thin.
Where there is favorable climatic conditions, damp pure sand can grow from soils, mild or heavy clay or arid to calcareous soils.
Especially, no tree grows well in the over-calcareous soil where the raft does not grow.
Cupressus sempervirens are as thin as they are long. It can easily be tilted in the wind;
It is used in inner and outer parts of structures, ships, bridges and scaffold feet. It is preferred in furniture making, lathe work, laundry crate and cupboards.
All Cupressus sempervirens are very decorative as parks, gardens, protective strips and live hedge trees.
It is naturally found in the southern coasts of the jasper sea in northern Iraq and in the East of the Mediterranean in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Rhodes, Cyprus, Crete, Anatolia and some Aegean islands. It was brought to Italy in ancient times and spread almost all over the Mediterranean.
Where it is used: The yellow wood of the wood and the dark azure of the wood are easily separated from each other. It is hard and durable, it is fragrant. It is used in the construction of dowry pads and in underwater construction, which is defined as being unable to enter the famous moth. Although it is suitable as a wind curtain, it is not very resistant to storms due to the shallow root formation.
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