I like this type of post. Very interesting... I think that in the dream state the subconscious rules as in actually being the subconscious world. In that world, the consciousness is drastically reduced as in consciousness the subconscious is reduced.
The subconscious through dreams communicate in a profound way with imagery as the primary method of communication to the self. The subconscious relay messages for the self to decipher accordingly. Imagery is the language of the subconscious. The subconscious often times is aware of things that the self, consciously is not aware of and thus the subconscious relay messages to the self so consciously it can adjust accordingly (Life circumstances).
"LuCiD LiViNg, DrEaMiNg AwAkE, ArRiViNg DrEaMiNg To FuLlY AwAke" (((3j)))